
Thesis on circular economy in the hotel industry wins TCP competition (PhD)

The thesis “Circular Economy in the Portuguese Hotel Industry”, written by Berta José Fernandes Costa and supervised by Dr Susana Rodrigues (member of CARME), won the eighth edition of the Turismo Centro de Portugal Academic Thesis Competition, in the PhD category.

The final jury, made up of Cristina Fernandes, Aida Carvalho and Miguel Torres, assessed and chose this thesis according to the following criteria: Impact of the thesis on tourism companies and/or public bodies with competences in the sector, scientific quality, originality of the work and impact on the Centre Region.
CARME Member – Ana Sargento takes part in round table at CCDRC in Coimbra

On February 28, 2024, Ana Sargento, a member of CARME and an adjunct professor at the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, took part as a speaker in the round table at the event “Planning: empowering and strengthening the Public Administration”, the launch of the new model for simulating economic impacts on a regional scale PReMMIA, organized by PlanAPP – Centre of Competence for Planning, Policies and Foresight of the Public Administration, which was held at the CCDRC in Coimbra.

CARME Member – Teresa Eugénio wins 1st place in the “LUIZ CHAVES DE ALMEIDA” Accounting Prize – 2023 – 31st Edition

The 1st place of the “LUIZ CHAVES DE ALMEIDA” Accounting Prize – 2023 – 31st Edition, organized by APOTEC – Portuguese Association of Accounting Technicians, was awarded to Teresa Cristina Pereira Eugénio (CARME member), Cristiana Rodrigues Santos and Vítor Luís Carrasqueira dos Santos. The jury decided unanimously to recognize the work entitled “Provisions and Contingent Liabilities – What recognition and reporting by Portuguese companies?”.

CARME project wins 1st place in the European Enterprise Promotion Awards 2023

The project Link me up – 1000 ideas – Support system for the co-creation of innovation, creativity, and entrepreneurship, promoted by the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, was awarded 1st place, at the national level, in the European Enterprise Promotion Awards 2023, in the category of “Promoting the Spirit of Entrepreneurship”. The project, led by Susana Rodrigues (PI) and with the participation of Ana Sargento, both CARME researchers, was funded by Compete 2020, Portugal 2020, European Union – European Social Fund. Carried out between 12/02/2021 and 30/06/2023, with a total investment value of almost 6 million euros, and involving a consortium of 13 partners, had the participation of 13,328 students, of which 313 were abroad, and 675 companies/organizations, of which 46 were international.

The project supported 1,706 ideas, developed 561,515 awareness-raising/training/demonstration actions aimed at young students and/or entrepreneurs, and created 21 companies. 1,269 young people/entrepreneurs who were covered by the project’s actions said that they wanted to create their own job/company, and 81% of young higher education students consider themselves more empowered.  The consortium included the polytechnics of: Bragança, Beja, Cávado e do Ave, Castelo Branco, Coimbra, Guarda, Leiria, Porto, Portalegre, Santarém, Tomar, Viana do Castelo, and Viseu.

The link me up – 1000 ideas project was developed along two distinct lines: Innovation Co-creation and Ideas Competition.

Co-creating innovation consists of setting up multidisciplinary teams of higher education students from different areas, companies/organizations, and teachers, as the “facilitators” of the process of co-creating innovation in the “cases”. The “cases”/challenges are real problems/challenges that companies/organizations place and for which answers are sought, to present suggestions and future strategic orientation.

Companies face legal, economic, social, technological, environmental, and international challenges every day, as well as uncertainty and change. It is in this context that the co-creation of innovation is important as a response to the challenges. Higher education students are the consumers/customers of the future and they can help companies to prepare and position themselves for this target, as well as for the trends and changes expected in organizations.

The Ideas Competition axis aims to develop a competition of ideas and business plans to select projects with entrepreneurial potential to create companies.




Study by member of CARME recognized as article with greater impact

Through a document review, Espinoza’s study (2023) [https://namibian-studies.com/index.php/JNS/article/view/966] focused on the production and publication of research articles related to SMEs and growth indicators, as listed in the Scopus database from 2017 to 2022.

The review identified 124 publications related to the study of SMEs and growth indicators. The knowledge area that contributed the most bibliographic material on SME management and growth indicators was Business, Administration, and Accounting, with 60 published documents.

The article considered to have the greatest impact was Santos, Eleonora, Rui Alexandre Castanho, and Daniel Meyer’s “Is Investment Contributing to Competitiveness in Nautical Tourism in the Atlantic Area?.” Water 14.19 (2022): 2964.

This article offers an original view on the relationship between investment, competitiveness, and economic growth in the nautical tourism sector, with a focus on the Atlantic Area during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study’s findings and analyses provide valuable knowledge for academics, policymakers, and industry professionals seeking to understand and increase the resilience and economic potential of the nautical tourism industry in the Atlantic Area.

This recognition of this impactful study further solidifies the CARME’s reputation as a center of excellence in terms of applied research.

Special Issue: Special Issue “Shaping the Quality of the Employee-Organization and the Employee-Work Relations: Assessing the Impacts of Internal Communication” 

Deadline for manuscript submissions: 1 May 2023 

For more information: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/admsci/special_issues/1I71I64MTL

Special Issue “Evaluating the Impacts of New Forms of Leadership on Workers and Organizations: Is Leadership a “More than Meets the Eye” Subject?” A special issue of Administrative Sciences (ISSN 2076-3387). 

Deadline for manuscript submissions: 15 February 2023 
Some relevant topics: innovative leadership; virtuous leadership; sustainable leadership; responsible leadership; inclusive leadership

For more information: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/admsci/special_issues/AX3702KVS6

Research Fellowship (BI)

Research Fellowship in the area of Management and related areas.

The fellowship is intended for doctoral students enrolled, or who meet the necessary conditions for enrollment; or master’s or integrated master’s students enrolled, or who meet the necessary conditions for enrollment.

Duration of the fellowship: The fellowship will have a duration of 12 months.

For more information: https://www.euraxess.pt/jobs/839428 and https://www.ipleiria.pt/investigar/bolsas-idi/concursos-abertos/

Call for Papers – GECAMB 2022 – 9th Conference on Environmental Management and Accounting

New date for the call for papers for the 9th Conference on Environmental Management and Accounting – GECAMB 2022, with the theme “Modernization and Accountability in Social and Environmental Management and Accounting” which will at the University of Aveiro, on the 4th and 5th of November 2022, on a virtual format.

This event is co-organized by CARME.

Dates to remember:

September 26, 2022 – Submission deadline for Full Papers. Submit your paper using CMT Platform.

October 10, 2022 – Response to authors

October 17, 2022 – Registration deadline for authors

Organizing Committee:

Graça Azevedo, Alberto J. Costa, Francisco Carreira, Irina Saur-Amaral, Maria Anunciação Bastos, Teresa Eugénio

For more information visit the conference website: https://gecamb.wordpress.com/

[Call for Papers]

CARME integrates the Organizing Committee of the SHAIO 2022 Conference

On September 22nd and 23rd 2022 the University of Aveiro will host the IX Iberian Conference on Input-Output Analysis. This event is organized by the research group GOVCOPP (Research Unit on Governance, Competitiveness and Public Policies), in partnership with CeBER (Centre for Business and Economics Research of the University of Coimbra), and CARME – Center for Applied Research in Management and Economics.

For more information visit the website: https://io9.shaio.es/en/

Special Issue “Water Governance Solutions towards Future Environmental Challenges” in Water, an open access journal indexed to Scopus (IF 3.530, Citescore 4.8). Submissions open until 15 July 2023.

Some relevant topics: water governance; energy saving in water and wastewater systems; lifecycle assessment (LCA); water economy.

For more information: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/water/special_issues/6S99299V1M

Researcher from CARME interviewed by radio Cister

A study led by two researchers from CARME – Center for Applied Research in Management and Economics of the Polytechnic of Leiria, Eleonora Santos and Inês Lisboa, published in the journal Water, concludes that algae-based technology has the potential to reduce operational energy costs between 0.05-0.41 EUR/m3 and 15.4-180.8 EUR/inhabitant, compared to activated sludge and other conventional methods. This technology also allows the elimination of the carbon footprint, saving about 45 kg of CO2 per inhabitant per year. It was in this context that Eleonora Santos was interviewed by radio Cister.

The algae-based technology described in the study consists of high-rate algae ponds. «In these shallow ponds (typically with a depth between 30cm and 50cm), wastewater is circulated through a low power paddle wheel, removing organic residues and nutrients in short retention times (4 to 10 days), compared to systems of conventional ponds. These ponds have another advantage: that of providing the production of algae biomass that can be sold, increasing the profits of the Wastewater Treatment Plants», refers Eleonora Santos.

The study, which discusses technological and management aspects that lead to greater energy savings in Portuguese wastewater treatment plants, was developed in a multidisciplinary partnership with researchers from the University of Beira Interior and the Shannon Applied Biotechnology Center (Limerick Ireland).

ICARME reflected the internationalization of the Centre for Applied Research in Management and Economics

On June 29th, 30th and July 1st the Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão (ESTG) of the Polytechnic of Leiria hosted the International Conference on Applied Research in Management and Economics (ICARME) with the theme “Rethinking Management and Economics in the (New) 20’s”. This event was organized by the Centre for Applied Research in Management and Economics (CARME) and its researchers.

It is noteworthy that the ICARME conference was well attended by researchers and participants from several nationalities such as Brazil, Hungary, Kenya, Ireland, the Netherlands, Egypt, among others, who were able to participate in person or virtually.

After the opening session and the plenary session, which was attended by Ph.D. Derek McInerney, the speakers were able to present and assistist to scientific papers in the areas of Accounting, Economics and Regional Development, Entrepreneurship, Finance, Health Management, Human Resource Management and Organizational Behavior, Management and Information Systems, Marketing, Operations, SMEs and Family Businesses, Strategies, Sustainability, Teaching and Management Research.

The event provides the opportunity for future scientific publications, for the full papers selected through a double-blind peer review process, in the Conference Proceedings published by Springer based on the reviewers’ recommendations, or even, in indexed journals.

In addition to the scientific scope, ICARME organized lunches, Gala Dinner and Social Program to assure to the presential participants a moment of socialization and descontraction, besides promoting the opportunity to extend the professional networking at an international level.  

The last plenary session was conducted by Ph.D. João Duque. The closing session followed, in which “The Best Paper Award” and “The Best Young Researcher Award” were given to the winning participants.

Remember that this event was also funded by national funds through FCT – Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P., under project UIDB/04928/2020.

Public Presentation – Aspiring West Geopark strategic plan

On June 14th 2022, at 3:00 pm, the strategic plan for the aspiring West Geopark will be presented at Leopoldo de Almeida Museum in Caldas da Rainha. This project is the result of a partnership between the Polytechnic of Leiria and the West Geopark Association (AGEO).
This Strategic Plan is part of the project that counted on two researchers from the Centre of Applied Research in Management and Economics (CARME), Professors Cátia Crespo and Teresa Eugénio, who integrated the project’s research team.

Cátia Crespo is the new CARME coordinator

Since 6th of April 2022, Professor Cátia Crespo is the new coordinator of the Centre for Applied Research in Management and Economics (CARME), of the Polytechnic of Leiria. Over the next three years, Cátia Crespo will continue the excellent work started by Neuza Ribeiro. The new coordinator, also an adjunct professor at the School of Technology and Management (ESTG) of the Polytechnic of Leiria, was elected by the majority of votes and joins Professor Teresa Eugénio (vice-coordinator) to lead the research unit.

Cátia Crespo received a PhD degree in Management (2012) from the Lisbon School of Economics and Management (ISEG), University of Lisbon, with the dissertation entitled “Knowledge Transfer within Multinational Corporations: How Well Does it Flow?”. In 2007 she joined the Management and Economics Department at ESTG, after working as a teaching assistant at Nova School of Business and Economics and as a consultant at Augusto Mateus & Associados. She was also the coordinator of the Master’s course in Relationship Marketing (2014-2016), head of the Department of Management and Economics (2017- 2019), and member of the Scientific Committee of the Degree in Marketing (2012- 2019) and the International Business Master course (2013-2015). Her research interests are in the fields of international marketing and international business.

Call for Papers – GECAMB 2022 – 9th Conference on Environmental Management and Accounting

It is now open the call for papers for the 9th Conference on Environmental Management and Accounting – GECAMB 2022, with the theme “Modernization and Accountability in Social and Environmental Management and Accounting” which will at the University of Aveiro, on the 4th and 5th of November 2022, on a virtual format.

This event is co-organized by CARME.

Dates to remember:

July 18, 2022 – Submission deadline for Full Papers. Submit your paper using CMT Platform.

September 19, 2022 – Response to authors

October 10, 2022 – Registration deadline for authors

Organizing Committee:

Graça Azevedo, Alberto J. Costa, Francisco Carreira, Irina Saur-Amaral, Maria Anunciação Bastos, Teresa Eugénio

For more information visit the conference website: https://gecamb.wordpress.com/

[Call for Papers]

Online seminar of the international project Youngmob on the Smartphone use behavior of young

Last Wednesday, March 23, 2022, took place the seminar Youngmob – Multiplier Event organized by CARME, Polytechnic of Leiria. The online event had the interventions of Dr. José Eduardo Ramadas, psychologist specialized in addictions and disorders, and Dr. Sónia Leirião, pediatric psychologist of youth and adolescents. Teachers Alzira Marques, Neuza Ribeiro and Susana Rodrigues presented the main goals achieved by the project, as well as the app that identifies the level of dependence of young people in the use of smartphones and helps them in the process of learning its correct use. About 53 people attended the event, among them representatives of parents’ associations, teachers, parents, psychologists, students and the general public, who were able to enjoy an exchange of knowledge on the subject and learn about the recommendations that resulted from the scientific work done, which will later be disseminated to the target audience. This seminar is part of the development of the international project Youngmob, which has 6 partners from 4 countries: Spain, Slovenia, Italy and Portugal.

For more information about the project: https://youngmob.eu/

Special issue on the theme “Sustainability and Human Resources Management: Evaluating Challenges and Impacts for the Employee-Organization Relation” in the journal Administrative Sciences indexed in Scopus, MDPI, with submissions open until 30 June 2022

For more information visit the website https://www.mdpi.com/journal/admsci/special_issues/sustainability_leadership

The ICARME was published in the newspapers Diário de Leiria and Ensino Magazine

The International Conference of Applied Research in Management and Economics (ICARME) was highlighted in the press release of the newspaper Diário de Leiria and also in the Health and Education supplement of the newspaper Ensino Magazine. In an interview to the media, Ph.D. Neuza Ribeiro, revealed which are the main goals to be achieved with the realization of this event. 

For further information: www.ensino.eu/ensino-magazine/politecnico/2022/conferencia-debate-gestao/

Diário de Leiria

Ensino Magazine

Research Fellowship (BI)

Research Fellowship in the areas of Biotechnology, Management, Accounting, Economics and related areas.

The fellowship is aimed at graduates enrolled in a master’s degree, integrated master’s degree, doctorate or enrolled in a course that does not confer an academic degree, namely advanced or post graduate courses. 

Duration: The fellowship will have a duration of 12 months. 

For further information: https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/jobs/733353

CARME researcher was interviewed by Jornal Económico on 14 January 2022

The Universities supplement of the newspaper Jornal Económico informed its readers about the main activities that are taking place within the scope of the European project ReinovaSi, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund, under the INTERREG Programme. 
In the interview to this newspaper, Professor Maria Eduarda Fernandes, coordinator of the project, talked about some of the biggest challenges encountered to develop the activities of ReinovaSi in a pandemic period, as well as the main results already achieved and those that are still expected to be achieved until the end of the project.

For more information: [Download]

Prize for the best communication in business education is awarded to members of CARME in a Seminar organized by the University of Salamanca

The study “Teaching Sustainable Development and the professional future of accountants and auditors: the perspective of students and professional regulators” was recognized as the best communication of the SEMINAR XXIII LUSOESPANHOL ON BUSINESS ECONOMY in Salamanca, Spain, under the theme Business Education.

The study is of the authorship of the doctors Sónia Gomes (Polytechnic of Leiria), Susana Jorge (Faculty of Economics, University of Coimbra) and Teresa Eugénio (CARME-IPLeiria).

For more information:https://sleeesalamanca.usal.es/premios/

CARME researcher participates in international research project

The CARME Academic Scientist, Ph.D. Ronnie Figueiredo, will represent Portugal joining in a global study on people’s attitudes towards technology in solving social and ethical problems, as coordinated by the Centre on AI Technology for Humankind (AiTH) at NUS Business School (National University of Singapore). Dr. Ronnie will support Prof. David De Cremer in a cross-national data collection effort to study “technosolutionism” and “AI as an ethical tool”. The CARME Academic Scientist will be the leader in Portugal to collect data to integrate more than 20 countries in a international and high-quality publication.

Call for Papers – International Conference on Applied Research in Management and Economics (ICARME)

It is now open the call for papers for the International Conference on Applied Research in Management and Economics (ICARME), with the theme “Rethinking Management and Economics in the (New) 20’s” which will be held from June 29 – July 1, 2022 Leiria, Portugal in a hybrid format.

Important dates:
Call for paper: November 22, 2021 – February 22, 2022
Notification of Acceptance: April 11, 2022
Early bird registration: April 30, 2022
For more information visit the ICARME website carme.ipleiria.pt/en/icarme/ or contact by e-mail icarme@ipleiria.pt.

Research Initiation Scholarship

Research Initiation Scholarship for the management area.

Designed for students enrolled on a higher vocational technical course, a bachelor’s degree, an integrated master’s degree or a master’s degree.

Duration: The fellowship will last 6 months

For more information visit the website https://www.ipleiria.pt/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/2_Edital_27_outubro-3.pdf

Award best paper attributed to researchers of CARME

The paper “Social value appraisal: cutting the Gordian knot” was recognised as the best scientific paper at the 8th EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise in Spain, in the session assessing value and impact over time.
The work is authored by Ph.D. Irene Ciccarino (CARME-IPLeiria), Ph.D. Susana Rodrigues (CARME-IPLeiria) and Ph.D. Jorge Ferreira (IAG-PUC, Rio de Janeiro/Brazil).

For more information see the file on page 41: https://emes.net/content/uploads/EMES-Conference-report-2021-EN.pdf

The call for papers is open for the special issue “Leadership, Diversity and Inclusion in Organizations” to be published in Frontiers in Psychology (Scopus). The deadline for abstract submission is 07 November 2021 and for full paper submission 06 January 2022

Para mais informações: https://bit.ly/2WLgx2c 

R&D+i Awards Politécnico de Leiria 2021 – CARME is in the Top 5 of the Research Units in the +growth category

The Centre for Applied Research in Management and Economics (CARME) secures fifth place in the ranking in the “+ Growth” category. The achievement of this position is the result of CARME’s productive effort which, in the previous calendar year, presented a percentage of 88% of favourable growth with its scientific production.

Faced with this recognition, CARME reiterates its mission to “contribute to regional development and innovation”, aiming to “play a central role as a platform for co-creation of knowledge between R&D, higher education, industry and social partners” (6th October 2021). 

 For more information: https://www.ipleiria.pt/premios-idi-politecnico-de-leiria-2021/

1st place in the ranking of the +international scientific publication award is won by a CARME researcher

Professor Ph.D Neuza Ribeiro occupies the first place of the “Award + International Scientific Publication”, destined to researchers in the area of Social Sciences and Humanities and attributed by the Polytechnic of Leiria, this year 2021. In the same ranking, CARME researchers, Cátia Crespo and Ana Sofia Lopes, integrate the 2nd and 9th positions, respectively, in the TOP 10.

The R&D+i Awards of the Polytechnic of Leiria aim at recognising the work of teachers, researchers and research fellows who have contributed the most, in the previous calendar year, to the international projection of the scientific activities carried out in the institution (6th October 2021). 

For more information: https://www.ipleiria.pt/premios-idi-politecnico-de-leiria-2021/

CARME reinforces the internationalization of quality teaching and research

Following the recent protocol signed between the Polytechnic of Leiria and UNESC – Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense (UNESC), Brazil, we welcomed 2 visiting professors: Miguelangelo Gianezini and Kelly Gianezini for 6 months in CARME. 

Professor Izabel Sousa also arrived for a shorter Ph.D. studenty period. Izabel is being supervised in Portugal by Professors Teresa Eugénio (CARME) and Dulcineia Ramos (CITUR). Her supervisors in Brazil are Professors Silvio Parodi and Miguelangelo Gianezini.

Being Professor Izabel the current Director of UNESC – Araranguá Campus and Professor Miguelangelo, responsible for the internationalisation of UNESC in particular regarding the PPG programme in Socioeconomic Development (Master & Doctorate), they met last week with the President of the Polytechnic of Leiria, Professor Rui Pedrosa.

New forms of collaboration are already being considered, namely the coming of other students, the exchange of teachers, the continuation of open classes, and participation in juries of evaluation of masters and doctoral degrees. We foresee that this partnership may bear a lot of fruit and bring together two institutions with common objectives: to achieve quality teaching and research. (September 28, 2021)

Special issue on the theme “Leadership and Employees’ Performance on the Verge of a New Era: The Challenges Brought by COVID-19 on Workplaces” in the journal Administrative Sciences indexed in Scopus, MDPI, with submissions open until 30 September 2021

For more information visit the website https://bit.ly/3rMTMWN


Postdoctoral Research Fellowship

Research Fellowship for the scientific area of Social Sciences

For more information visit the website https://www.euraxess.pt/jobs/659515

Inês Lisboa integrates the team that received the “Alfredo da Silva Research Award

CARME researcher Inês Lisboa was part of the team of the project “CBmeter – a new device for early detection of type II diabetes mellitus”, winner of the “Alfredo Silva Research Award”, on June 30th.

In the category “Technological Innovation, Mobility and Industry”, this team added an important award for the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria. With this award delivered by the hands of the President of the Republic, it is evident the recognition of the scientific activities that are being developed at the Polytechnic of Leiria, as an engine of “knowledge at the service of society,” said the team leader.

CARME researcher participates in the “Portugal em Direto” program,from Antena1

The project “ShareFOREST”, led by the University of Aveiro and the Polytechnic of Leiria, and in partnership with OIKOS, was highlighted in the program “Portugal em Direto”, from Antena 1, last May 13. It counted with the participation of Maria Eduarda Fernandes, CARME researcher and Co-Responsible for the project, who commented on the importance of “broadening the debate in civil society” and considered that future decisions about forest management should be part of the Portuguese political agenda. The “ShareFOREST” project plans to develop and operationalize a methodology and agenda for public participation for the coastal forests affected by 2017 fires.

Action plan developed by CARME researchers is awarded

According to Jornal de Leiria (9/05 edition), the Municipality of Batalha will be awarded for the good execution of their Urban Regeneration Action Plan. This Plan was developed by Professors Ana Sofia Lopes, Ana Sargento, and Maria Eduarda Fernandes, CARME researchers. It can be consulted in http://hdl.handle.net/10400.8/2755 and was the basis for several interventions in the urban regeneration of public spaces with the approximated value of 2.7 million euros.

CARME researcher was present in the digital debate of the Expresso Projects

        To reach the targets defined by 2050 in the Paris Agreement, the European carbon license market plays a fundamental role in this path. It was in this context that the CARME researcher, Maria Eduarda Fernandes, participated in the 9th digital debate of the “50 to 2050” project, last March, an initiative by Expresso and BP. With a central theme focused on “GHG Emission Licenses – The New Reality 2021-2030”, Maria Eduarda Fernandes mentioned that the “scarcity logic may not be enough to achieve the 2050 goals” even if she considers that the mechanism has been improved over the various periods of the market.

Jornal Expresso_ mercados carbono 2021 – 2030

Research Fellowship

Research Fellowship for the scientific area of Management

For more information visit the website https://www.ipleiria.pt/investigacao-e-desenvolvimento/bolsas/?fbclid=IwAR2b7ytshiMToYGdSyalvwyDMxPOVY-Xf1Fl7rXVyx0mExR4xNyRVj1_92k 

International Public Tender

International public tender for an assistant researcher for the scientific area of Management or Economics

For more information, visit https://dre.pt/web/guest/home/-/dre/154667349/details/maximized?fbclid=IwAR0WIKkrkkRFTDRRqg04T1gcf7-LvmWV0mPuxeXCBrHUrBP2iCNIBIk0-0Y

In Memory of Professor Rob Gray

On behalf of the CARME, we are deeply saddened to share the news that Rob Gray passed away last 30th of June. This news will be devastating for all of us across the CSEAR network.  We remember his help in implementing the “The Portuguese CSEAR Conference – Gecamb” since 2005, co-organized by CARME. Professor Rob visited our institution in 2005 and 2014.

“The Portuguese are intrinsically linked to the Smartphone”

Região de Leiria publishes Opinion of researchers from CARME, in the “Aqui perto” section, under the YoungMob project– Facing youngsters’ mobile addiction through an innovative technological app.

Award Best Paper attributed to researcher of CARME

The paper “Non-Financial Information Reporting And Assurance: A New Opportunity For Auditors? Evidence From Portugal ” was recognized as best paper in the 15th EIASM Interdisciplinary Workshop on “Intangibles & Intellectual Capital” – Non-Financial and Integrated Reporting,Governance and Value Creation. The paper is authored by Professor Teresa Eugénio (CARME-IPLeiria), Sónia Gomes (ESTG-IPLeiria), Manuel Castelo Branco (University of Porto).


CARME in Top 5 Ranking

CARME was recognized for its performance in 2018 in the top 5 of the Leiria Polytechnic’s 15 research centers.

Quartin Graça Award

Marcello Angotti, a researcher at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro – who did a doctoral internship at the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, supervised by Professor Teresa Eugénio, researcher of CARME – wanted to “develop a [accounting] framework for assessing the sustainability of the mining industry”, trying with it to answer concretely the question of “if society would have its social costs contemplated in the commercial transactions of iron ore”. It was an innovative approach that earned him the “Quartin Graça Award” in the Economic and Business Sciences category.


Collaboration Protocol for the “Cientificamente Provável” Programme.

On 5th June, the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education agreed on a new Collaboration Protocol for the “Cientificamente Provável” Programme, which establishes partnerships between Research Units and the Portuguese Network of School Libraries of primary and high schools. CARME was represented by our researcher Inês Lisboa.

Communicating science in Ideas for Leaders platform

The paper “How authentic leadership promotes individual performance: Mediating role of organizational citizenship behavior and creativity”, co-authored by Neuza Ribeiro and published in the International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, was selected by the Ideas for Leaders platform to make its main findings known to executives around the world. Ideas for Leaders (IfL) – is a sister platform to IEDP Developing Leaders. IfL works with the leading global business schools (for example, INSEAD, Standford Business, IMD, Center for Creative Leadership), taking their most relevant business research and summarizing it to be easily and quickly digested by executives – to spark their thinking and maintain their ‘best practice’ knowledge.

Award Best Paper attributed to researcher of CARME

The paper “The role of perceived organizational support and person-organization fit in the relationship between corporate social responsibility and work engagement” was recognized as best paper in the Ethics and Social Responsibility category at the X PostGraduate Conference, Management, Hospitality & Tourism, ISCAL, Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon. The paper is authored by Professor Ana Patrícia Duarte (BRU, ISCTE-IUL), José Neves (Dinamia-IUL) and Neuza Ribeiro (CARME-IPLeiria).

Special Issue “Evaluating the Impacts of New Forms of Leadership on Workers and Organizations: Is Leadership a “More than Meets the Eye” Subject?” A special issue of Administrative Sciences (ISSN 2076-3387). 

Deadline for manuscript submissions: 15 February 2023 
Some relevant topics: innovative leadership; virtuous leadership; sustainable leadership; responsible leadership; inclusive leadership

For more information: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/admsci/special_issues/AX3702KVS6