Publications 2022
Scientific papers
Books & book chapters
Participation in Conferences / Congresses
Scientific papers
- A
- Antunes, J., Eugénio, T. & Branco, M. (2022). Circular Economy for Cities and Sustainable Development: The Case of the Portuguese City of Leiria. Sustainability, 14(3), 1726.
- Carvalho, M., Martins, S., Santos, E., & Carvalho, A. B. (2022). The Fisherman’s Route-Project of sustainability and pedagogical practices. Journal of Information Systems Engineering and Management, 7(4)
- Cassol, A.; Marietto, M. L. Martins, C. B. (2022) Innovation in small and medium-sized companies: the influence of absorptive capacity. Revista de Ciências da Administração, 24(62), 102-121.
- Ciccarino, I. D., Rodrigues, S. C. S. F., & Ferreira Da Silva, J. (2022). Social value appraisal: cutting the Gordian knot. Innovation & Management Review.
- Ciccarino, I.; Rodrigues, S.; Moraes, A.B. (2022), Understanding the social entrepreneurship diversity from the characteristics of its initiatives. Journal of Business Diversity, Vol. 22(1), p. 23-45
- Corrales, J., Ribeiro, N. & Gomes, D. (2022). Cuadernos de Relaciones Laborales Las competencias exigidas a los trabajadores de la Industria 4.0.: Cambios en la gestión de personas. Cuadernos de Relaciones Laborales, 40(1), 161-184. DOI: 10.5209/crla.72383
- Costa, M., Lisboa, I., Gameiro, A. (2022). Is the Financial Report Quality Important in the Default Prediction? SME Portuguese Construction Sector Evidence. Risks, 10(5), 1-25.
- Crespo, C. F., Crespo, N. F., & Curado, C. (2022). The effects of subsidiary’s leadership and entrepreneurship on international marketing knowledge transfer and new product development. International Business Review, 31 (2). 101928.
- David, R., Singh, S., Ribeiro, N. & Gomes, D.R. (2022). Does Spirituality Influence Happiness and Academic Performance? Religions, 13(7), 617.
- Duarte, A.F., Lisboa, I. & Carreira, P. (2022). Does earnings quality impact firms’ performance? The case of Portuguese SMEs from the mold sector. Journal of Financial Reporting and Accounting.
- Eugénio, T.; Carreira, P.; Miettinen, N.; & Lourenço, I. (2022), Understanding students’ future intention to engage in sustainability accounting in Malaysia and the Philippines. Journal of Accounting and Emerging Economies, 12 (4), 695-715.
- Eugénio, T.; Gomes, S.; Branco, M. & Morais, A. (2022). Non-Financial Reporting and Assurance: A New Opportunity for Auditors? Evidence from Portugal. Sustainability, 14, 13469.
- Ferreira, A.G. & Fernandes. M. E. (2022). Sustainable advertising or ecolabels: Which is the best for your brand and for consumers’ environmental conscioussness?. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 30(1) 20-36.
- Ferreira, A.G., Crespo, C.F. & Mendes, C. (2022). Effects of athletic performance and marketable lifestyle on consumers’ engagement with sport celebrity’s social media and their endorsements. International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship. 23(2), 259–277
- Figueiredo, E., Ribeiro, C., Ferreira, C., Fernandes, E., 2022. Quem colabora na gestão das Matas do Litoral? Uma análise exploratória da rede de agentes. Silva Lusitana, 30(2): 57-85.
- Figueiredo, R., Camargo, M. E., Ferreira, J. J., Zhang, J. Z., & Liu, Y. D. (2022). Predicting the Intention to Adopt Innovation in Supply Chain Finance: Determinants of Brazilian FinTech. Journal of Organizational and End User Computing (JOEUC), 35(2), 1-27.
- Figueiredo, R., Soliman, M., Al-Alawi, A.N. and Sousa, M.J. (2022) “The Impacts of Geopolitical Risks on the Energy Sector: Micro-Level Operative Analysis in the European Union” Economies10: 299. .
- Frizon, J. & Eugénio, T. (2022). Current developments in Higher Education Sustainability Research in the areas of Accounting and Management. The International Journal of Management Education, 20 (3), 100709.
- Frizon, J., Eugénio, T. & Falção, A. (2022). Vale a pena as organizações terem práticas de gestão socialmente sustentáveis? RAE-Revista de Administração de Empresas. 62 (5), 1-21.
- Gomes, G. P., Ribeiro, N., & Gomes, D. R. (2022). The Impact of Burnout on Police Officers’ Performance and Turnover Intention: The Moderating Role of Compassion Satisfaction. Administrative Sciences, 12(3), 92.
- Gomes, J. F., & Marques, T. M. (2022). The influence of organisational justice on work engagement, organisational commitment, and job satisfaction: A comprehensive study. Journal of General Management, DOI:03063070221140726.
- Gomes, J. F., Marques, T., & Cabral, C. (2022). Responsible leadership, organizational commitment, and work engagement: The mediator role of organizational identification. Nonprofit Management and Leadership, 33(1), 89-108.
- Guerrazzi, L., Serra, F., Ferreira, M. P., & Scazziota, V. (2022). Using Meta-Analytic Structural Equation Modelling to Advance Entrepreneurship Research: A Study on the Liabilities of Newness and Smallness. The Journal of Entrepreneurship, 31(3), 603-631
- Lopes, A. S. & Carreira, P. (2022). COVID-19 impact on job losses in Portugal: who are the hardest-hit?. International Journal of Manpower. 43(5). 1265-1282.
- Martins, A., Sá, C. e Taborda, D. (2022) Fair Value and Corporate Taxation: Out through the Door, Back through the Window? Accounting, Economics and Law [Web of Science]
- Oliveira, A.; Carvalho, F.; Reis, N.R. (2022). Institutions and Firms’ Performance: A Bibliometric Analysis and Future Research Avenues. Publications, 10(1), 8.
- Ribeiro, N., Duarte, A.P., Filipe, R. & David, R. (2022). Does authentic leadership stimulate organizational citizenship behaviors? The importance of affective commitment as a mediator. Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, 13(2),320-340 .
- Ribeiro, N., Gomes, D. R., Ortega, E., Gomes, G. P., & Semedo, A. S. (2022). The Impact of Green HRM on Employees ’ Eco-Friendly Behavior : The Mediator Role of Organizational Identification. Sustainability, 14(5), 1–13. (Scopus/WoS)
- Ribeiro, N., Semedo, A.S., Gomes, D., Bernardino, R. & Singh, S. (2022). The effect of workplace bullying on burnout: the mediating role of affective well-being. Management Research Review, 45(6), 824-840. (Scopus/WoS)
- Romão, S.; Ribeiro, N.; Gomes, D.R. & Singh, S. (2022). The Impact of Leaders’ Coaching Skills on Employees’ Happiness and Turnover Intention. Administrative Sciences, 12(3). 84.
- Santo, P. M.; Cardoso, P. M. A. & Marques; A. M. A. (2022). Efeitos da Adoção de E-Business na Agilidade Organizacional em Contexto COVID-19, International Journal of Marketing, Communication and New Media. Special Issue on Marketing in the Context of COVID-19, January 2022, 45-61.
- Santo, P.; Marques, A. (2022) Determinants of the online purchase intention: hedonic motivations, prices, information and trust. Baltic Journal of Management 17 (1) 56-71
- Santos E, Lisboa I & Eugénio T. (2022). The Financial Performance of Family versus Non-Family Firms Operating in Nautical Tourism. Sustainability, 14(3), 1693.
- Santos, E & Moreira J. (2022). Outward investment of Portuguese small and medium enterprises in the Central and Eastern European countries: motivations and challenges. F1000Research 2022, 11:1339
- Santos, E. & Castanho, R.A. (2022). The Impact of Size on the Performance of Transnational Corporations Operating in the Textile Industry in Portugal during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Sustainability, 14(2), 717.
- Santos, E., & Lisboa, I. (2022). The Effects of Subsidies on MSW Treatment Companies: Financial Performance and Policy Implications. Sustainability, 14(5), 3076.
- Santos, E.; Albuquerque, A.; Lisboa, I.; Murray, P. & Ermis, H. (2022). Economic Assessment of Energy Consumption in Wastewater Treatment Plants: Applicability of Alternative Nature-Based Technologies in Portugal. Water, 14(2042), 1-12.
- Santos, E.; Castanho, R.A. & Couto, G. (2022). Manufacturing Productivity and FDI Externalities: is Small Beautiful? WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics, 20: 9-22, ISSN/EISSN:11099526/22242899.DOI:10.37394/23207.2023.20.2
- Santos, E.; Castanho, R.A. & Meyer, D. (2022). Is Investment Contributing to Competitiveness in Nautical Tourism in the Atlantic Area? Water 14(19). 2964.
- Satya, S. & Ribeiro, N. (2022). Global Leadership: The Growing Necessity of Intercultural Skills. Journal of Positive School Psychology, 6(5), 8295-8305.
- Soliman, M., Fatnassi, T., Elgammal, I. & Figueiredo, R. (2022). Exploring the Major Trends and Emerging Themes of Artificial Intelligence in the Scientific Leading Journals amidst the COVID-19 Era. Big Data and Cognitive Computing. (registering DOI)
- Subrahmanyam, S., Sherwani, K. & Ribeiro, N. (2022). Mind Mapping – A Critical Gizmo for Corporate Change. Pacific Business Review International, 14(8), 35-45
- Taborda, Daniel, Martins, António, Sá, Cristina (2022). A determinação do excesso de endividamento para efeitos fiscais: como aplicar uma norma mal elaborada? Revista Portucalense. DOI:
- Viglioni, M.T.D., Ferreira, M.P., Aveline, C.E.S. & Alcântara, J.N.d. (2022). Corruption, R&D and performance: firm-level evidence from Latin America. Journal of Applied Accounting Research, 23(4). 806-824.
Books & book chapters
- Azevedo, G., Fialho, A., Eugénio, T., & Tavares, M. D. (2022). Bibliometric Analysis of Research on Social and Environmental Accounting Research and United Nations SDG Achievement. In T. Eugénio, G. Azevedo, & A. Fialho (Eds.), Modern Regulations and Practices for Social and Environmental Accounting (pp. 26-44). IGI Global.
- Costa, B. J., Rodrigues, S., & Moreno, P. (2020). Circular Economy and Sustainability: Concepts, Perspectives, and (Dis)Agreements. In S. Rodrigues, P. Almeida, & N. Almeida (Ed.), Mapping, Managing, and Crafting Sustainable Business Strategies for the Circular Economy (pp. 31-56). IGI Global. http://doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-9885-5.ch003
- Dantas, J.G.L., Carvalho, L.C. (Eds.). (2022). Handbook of Research on Approaches to Alternative Entrepreneurship Opportunities. IGI Global. 10.4018/978-1-7998-1981-3
- Eugénio, T., Azevedo, G., & Fialho, A. (Eds.). (2022). Modern Regulations and Practices for Social and Environmental Accounting IGI April, 2022 | Pages: 335 ISBN13: 9781799894100 | ISBN10: 179989410X | EISBN13: 9781799894124 (Editor). Global.
- Eugénio, T., Domingues, F., Carvalho, H., Fialho, A., & Azevedo, G. (2022). Integrated Reporting Compliance in Portuguese Companies. In T. Eugénio, G. Azevedo, & A. Fialho (Ed.), Modern Regulations and Practices for Social and Environmental Accounting (pp. 224-250). IGI Global.
- Ferreira, M. P., Reis, N. R., Santos, J. C. & Serra, F. R. (2022). Empreendedorismo – Conceitos e fundamentos para a criação da nova empresa (1ª Edição). Edições Sílabo. ISBN: 978-989-561-215-4
- Figueiredo R., Soares R.R. & Costa H.G. (2022). Tourism Services Innovation Ecosystem: A Multicriteria Model Approach Based on Portuguese Higher Education. In: Leitão J., Ratten V., Braga V. (Ed.), Tourism Entrepreneurship in Portugal and Spain. Tourism, Hospitality & Event Management. Springer, Cham.
- Figueiredo, R., Ferreira, J. J., Costa, H. G., & Basu, A. (2022). Multicriteria Assessment of a Technological Ecosystem: A Multi-Country Approach. In The Routledge Companion to Technology Management (pp. 184-198). Routledge., Daim, T., Dabić, M., & Su, Y.-S. (Eds.). (2022). The Routledge Companion to Technology Management (1st ed.). Routledge.
- Gameiro, M., Ribeiro, N. & Gomes, D.R. (2022). Recruitment during a Pandemic – new ways of facing the job market?, In Figueiredo, P., Tomé, E. & Rouco, C. (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Challenges for Human Resource Management in the COVID-19 Era (pp.102-115). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-9840-5; ISBN13: 9781799898405
- Lisboa, I., & Costa, M. (2022). International Effect on Family SME Financial Distress Prediction (reprinted chapter). In Research Anthology on Strategies for Maintaining Successful Family Firms (pp. 197-214). IGI Global. (scopus)
- Mata, C., Fialho, A. & Eugénio, T. (2022). Determinantes do Relato ambiental no período pós IAS/IFRS: análise das empresas portuguesas cotadas no PSI 20. In Leonilde R., Luísa C. C., Vítor B., Duarte X., João P. Co., Susana G., Carlos M., Rui D., João N. & David S. (Ed.), Temas Emergentes em Ciências Empresariais – Volume 1 – Novas abordagens nas áreas científicas da Contabilidade, Finanças, Sistemas de Informação, Metodologias e Práticas Pedagógicas. Silabo. ISBN: 978-989-561-227-7
- Reis-Marques, C., Figueiredo, R., & Neto, M. (2022). Measuring Digital Maturity: The Case of Economic Agents in the Tourism Sector in Portugal. In M. J. Sousa & C. G. Marques (Ed.), Innovations and social media analytics in a digital society. CRC Press – Taylor and Francis Group.
- Santos, E., Lisboa, I., Crespo, C. F., Moreira, J., Eugenio, T. (2022). Evaluating Economic Sustainability of Nautical Tourism Through Brand Equity and Corporate Performance. In: Katsoni, V., Şerban, A.C. (Ed.), Transcending Borders in Tourism Through Innovation and Cultural Heritage. Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics. Springer, Cham. (scopus)
- Santos, E., Moreira, J. (2022). Corporate Performance and Employment in High-Growth Hotels. In: Abreu, A., Liberato, D., Garcia Ojeda, J.C. (Ed.), Advances in Tourism, Technology and Systems. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, vol 293. Springer, Singapore.
- Santos, E., Moreira, J. (2022). Price Elasticity of Overnight Stays: Testing Veblen’s Conjecture Across Portuguese Regions. In: Abreu, A., Liberato, D., Garcia Ojeda, J.C. (Ed.), Advances in Tourism, Technology and Systems. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, vol 293. Springer, Singapore.
- Satya, S. & Ribeiro, N. (2022). Global Mindset: A Proviso for the Leaders of the Global Corporate. In I. Ghosal, S. Roy, K. Agarwal & B. Prasad (Ed.), Emerging Technologies’ Impact on Business and the Economy (pp. 1-19). AkiNik Publications. New Delhi: AkiNik Publications. ISBN: 978-93-5570-309-5.
Participation in Conferences / Congresses
- Angotti, M.; Ferreira, A.; Eugénio, T. e Branco, M. (2022). A Narrative Approach for Reporting Social and Environmental Accounting Impacts of Mining Sector – Marginalized communities have voice? GECAMB 2022 – 9th Conference on Environmental Management and Accounting. The Portuguese CSEAR Conference. Aveiro, Universidade de Aveiro (online), Aveiro, Portugal. 4 e 5 de novembro
- Antunez, M.; Ramalho, N. & Marques, T. (2022, Junho 29 – Julho 1). Context matters less than leadership in preventing unethical behaviour [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Applied Research in Management and Economics (ICARME), ESTG-CARME, Leiria, Portugal.
- Barbeiro, S., Reis, N. R., Santos, J., & Ferreira, M. The effects of home country formal and informal institutions on firms’ ownership strategies. Business Association for Latin American Studies (BALAS) 2022 Annual Conference. Lisbon, Portugal, 10-13 June 2022.
- Barbeiro, Suzi, Reis, N. & Santos, J. (2022). The effects of home country formal and informal institutions on firms’ ownership strategies. In 48th EIBA – European International Business Academy Annual Conference – Oslo, 8th – 10th December 2022
- Barbeiro, Suzi, Reis, N. & Santos, J. (2022). The effects of home country formal and informal institutions on firms’ ownership strategies. In XVII Iberian International Business Conference, 7&9 October, Leiria.
- Bugalho, V.; Machado, L. M. & Santos, J. (2022, Junho 29 – Julho 1). The Moderating Effect Of Quality Management Systems In Firm Performance Of Exporting Portuguese Firms: Understanding The Impact Of Quality Management Adoption In Firm Performance In An Exporting Context [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Applied Research in Management and Economics (ICARME), ESTG-CARME, Leiria, Portugal.
- Bugalho, V.; Machado, L. M. & Santos, J. (2022). The Moderating Effect Of Quality Management Systems In Firm Performance Of Exporting Portuguese Firms: Understanding The Impact Of Quality Management Adoption In Firm Performance. In In An Exporting Context. In XVII Iberian International Business Conference, 7&9 October, Leiria
- Burgos, L., Reis, N. & Santos, J. (2022). The moderating effect of state ownership on institutional distance and Multilatinas subsidiaries performance In XVII Iberian International Business Conference, 7&9 October, Leiria
- Burgos, L., Reis, N. & Santos, J. (2022). The moderating effect of state ownership on institutional distance and Multilatinas subsidiaries performance In: BALAS 2022 Annual Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, 10th – 13th June 2022
- Burgos, L., Reis, N. & Santos, J. (2022). The moderating effect of state ownership on institutional distance and Multilatinas subsidiaries performance. 48th EIBA – European International Business Academy Annual Conference – Oslo, 8th – 10th December 2022
- Burgos, L.; Lisboa, I. & Costa, M. (2022, Junho 29 – Julho 1). The impact of family control on capital structure on emerging economies: Theory and evidence[Paper presentation]. International Conference on Applied Research in Management and Economics (ICARME), ESTG-CARME, Leiria, Portugal.
- Calvo,S.; Morales, A.; Castanho,R.A. & Santos, E. (2022, Julho 14-16). Promoting Social Innovation Projects with an Online Course: Creating Global Solutions for Sustainability. International Conference in Information Technology & Education, ESPM. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
- Cardoso, A.; Marques, T & Reis, N. (2022, Junho 29 – Julho 1). A relação da Liderança Responsável com o Desempenho Individual: efeito mediador da Satisfação Global com o Trabalho e do Workaholism [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Applied Research in Management and Economics (ICARME), ESTG-CARME, Leiria, Portugal.
- Carvalho A., Gupta A., Carvalho S., Ferro T., Bédon S., Gaspar M., Rodrigues S., P. Henriques P., Järvinen T. (2022), DISCOVERING SMART WALLS: A CO-CREATION PROCESS, INTED2022 | 16th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference, Valencia, entre 7-9th March. Format: On-line conference. ISBN: 978-84-09-37758-9 / ISSN: 2340-1079, Publisher: IATED doi: 10.21125/inted.2022
- Carvalho M.; Martins, S.; Castro, M.J.; Santos, E. & Carvalho, A.B.S. (2022). Informational Heritage and the Relation Between Information Science Museology: Information Professional Performance Projects. International Conference on Tourism Technology and systems. ICOTTS22. 03-05 November. Santiago, Chile
- Carvalho, M. & Martins, S.; Santos, E. & Carvalho, A.B.S. (2022, Julho 14-16 ). A Rota do Pescador – Projeto de sustentabilidade e de práticas pedagógicas. International Conference in Information Technology & Education, ESPM, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
- Ciccarino, I; Fagundes, C. & Fernandes, M. E. (2022, Junho 29 – Julho 1). Sustainable Forest Management and Stakeholders Participation in Portuguese FSC’s certified companies [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Applied Research in Management and Economics (ICARME), ESTG-CARME, Leiria, Portugal.
- Ciccarino, I; Rodrigues, S.; da Silva, J. (2022). Social Entrepreneurial Taxonomy for Innovation: A Business Model Perspective, Global Business and Technology Association, Virtual 23rd Annual International Conference, July 13th-July 15th. ISBN: 1-932917-17-9, ISSN: 2471-6006 (Online).
- Ciccarino, I. & Rodrigues, S. (2022). A framework for social business models analyses. IN: 17th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship (ECIE22), 2022 Pafos, Cyprus
- Ciccarino, I., & Rodrigues, S. (2022, September). A framework for social business models analyses. In ECIE 2022 17th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Academic Conferences and publishing limited.
- Ciccarino, I., da Silva, J., Rodrigues, S. (2022) Social initiatives types : classification and context. IN: EnANPAD2022 (virtual)
- Ciccarino, I., Fernandes, M.E. 2022. Stakeholders´ participation for sustainable forest management: A bibliometric review. Livro de resumos – provisório – X Congresso da APDEA e o IV Encontro Lusófono em Economia, Sociologia, Ambiente e Desenvolvimento Rural “Territórios, Agriculturas e Agroalimentar: desafios globais e riscos no século XXI” (14 a 16 de setembro 2022), Coimbra, Portugal.
- Costa, M., Febra, L., Ferreira, A.G. & Rodrigues, M. (2022). The impact of corporate brand value on stock liquidity. International Conference of Applied Research in Management and Economics (ICARME), School of Technology and Management, Polytechnic of Leiria, Portugal, June 29th-July 1st.
- Crespo, C. F. & Crespo, N. F. (2022, Junho 29 – Julho 1). The influence of country-of-origin on B2B relationship quality [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Applied Research in Management and Economics (ICARME), ESTG-CARME, Leiria, Portugal.
- Crespo, N., Crespo, C.F., Silva, G.& Nicola, M. (2022). Innovation in Times of Crisis: The Relevance of Digitalization and Early Internationalization, Aciek, Sevilha, 28 a 30 de junho de 2022
- Curth, M. & Marques, A. (2022). Antecedents Of Environmental Performance In The Plastics Industry In Brazil And Portugal. International Conference on Applied Research in Management and Economics (ICARME), ESTG, Leiria, 29 de junho a 1 de julho de 2022.
- David, R., Singh, S., Ribeiro, N. & Mikkilineni, S. (2022, Janeiro 7 – 9). A Measure of Employee Well-being: Scale Development and Validation. 7th Biennial Conference of INDAM 2022, Indian Institute of Management Rohtak, India.
- Dias, S.S., Ferreira, A.G. & Marques, G. (2022). Os efeitos da satisfação dos residentes e das suas experiências com o território na imagem do território. [Comunicação oral online] VI Congresso Internacional de Marcas/Branding: Multiplicidade e Convergência, Brasil, 27-30 de abril.
- Fagundes, C., Schreiber, D., Nunes, M., Fernandes, M.E. (2022). FSC Motivation, benefits and challenges: A systematic review. X SINGEP (Simpósio Internacional de Gestão, Projetos, Inovação e Sustentabilidade). 26 a 28 de outubro de 2022 (online).
- Fernandes, M. E.; Figueiredo, E. and Valente, S. (2022). The ShareFOREST project – participatory methodology for public and stakeholder engagement in the protection and valorisation of forests in Portugal, Book of Abstracts of the 27 IAPS Meeting 5th to 8th of July 2022 | International Association People-Environment Studies, ISCTE-IUL, Lisbon, p. 324. ISBN: 978-989-781-656-7
- Ferreira, A.G., Simão, L., Moreira, J. & Dias, S. (2022, Fevereiro 2-5). Os efeitos das experiências dos residentes na sua relação com o lugar de residência. XXXI Jornadas Hispano-Lusas de Gestión Científica, Universidade de Castilla-La Mancha, Toledo, Espanha.
- Ferreira, M. Apresentação do artigo “The effects of home country formal and informal institutions on firms’ ownership strategies”, BALAS 2022, Junho.
- Ferreira, M. Apresentação do artigo “The moderating effect of state ownership on institutional distance and multilatinas subsidiaries performance”, BALAS 2022, Junho.
- Figueiredo, R. & Nogueira, J. B. A. (2022, Junho 29 – Julho 1). Assessment the Digital Maturity in the Portuguese Navy [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Applied Research in Management and Economics (ICARME), ESTG-CARME, Leiria, Portugal.
- Figueiredo. E., Ribeiro, C., Ciccarino, I., Valente, S., Fernandes, M.E. (2022). Participar ou não participar na gestão das Matas do Litoral – Uma análise exploratória a partir da caracterização dos agentes envolvidos. Livro de resumos – provisório – X Congresso da APDEA e o IV Encontro Lusófono em Economia, Sociologia, Ambiente e Desenvolvimento Rural “Territórios, Agriculturas e Agroalimentar: desafios globais e riscos no século XXI” (14 a 16 de setembro 2022), Coimbra, Portugal.
- Figueiredo. E., Ribeiro, C., Valente, S., Fernandes, E. (2022). Benefícios, problemas e perspetivas de futuro para as Matas do Litoral – uma análise exploratória das perceções de diversos stakeholders. In M. A. Pinto, M. E. Silva, J. C. Azevedo, M. Sequeira, N. Ribeiro, P. Fernandes, P. Mateus, S. Dias (Eds.), Livro de resumos do 9º Congresso Florestal Nacional, 10- 14 outubro 2022, Madeira, Portugal, pp. 120, ISBN: 978-972-99656-7-8.
- Frizon, J. A.; Eugénio, T. & Frizon, N. (2022, Junho 29 – Julho 1). Efeito mediador do Conhecimento orientado ao Desenvolvimento Sustentável (DS) na relação entre Iniciativas Green Campus e Proatividade do Estudante [Paper presentation]. In proceedings of International Conference on Applied Research in Management and Economics (ICARME), ESTG-CARME, Leiria, Portugal.
- Frizon, J., Eugénio, T. & Frizon, N. (2022, Maio 26 e 27). Iniciativas Green Campus em Instituições de Ensino Superior e Proatividade do Estudante em relação ao Desenvolvimento Sustentável [Paper presentation]. In atas do XI ENCONTRO DE ESTUDOS ORGANIZACIONAIS DA ANPAD – EnEO 2022.
- Frizon, J.; Eugénio, T. (2022). Recent developments on research in sustainability and education in higher institutions: what is going on in Management and Accounting areas? In atas do XLVI Encontro da ANPAD – EnANPAD 2022. Tema: “Enfrentando os grandes desafios da sociedade: O papel da gestão, dos gestores e das organizações”. Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Administração. Brasil (online). 21 – 23 de setembro.
- Frizon, J.; Leonardi, F.; Eugénio, T. e Frizon, N. (2022). Compra, consumo e descarte consciente: a importância de uma abordagem sustentável. GECAMB 2022 – In proceedings of 9th Conference on Environmental Management and Accounting. The Portuguese CSEAR Conference. Aveiro, Universidade de Aveiro (online), Aveiro, Portugal. 4 e 5 de novembro.
- Gaspar, A., Moreira, J., Simão, L. & Dias, S. (2022). Os efeitos das experiências dos residentes na sua relação com o lugar de residência. Atas das XXXI Jornadas Hispano Lusas de Gestión Científica, subordinadas ao tema “En la era de la digitalización y la sostenibilidad”, realizadas na Universidade de Castilha – La Mancha, Toledo, 02 a 05 de Fevereiro de 2022.
- Gomes, G.; Ribeiro, N.; Ortega, E. & Gomes, D. R. (2022, Julho 14 – 15). The effect of Green HRM on Turnover Intention and Affective Commitment: A study of the Tourism Sector in Portugal [Paper presentation]. International Conference of Applied Business and Management (ICABM2022), Porto, Portugal.
- Gomes, G.; Ribeiro, N.; Ortega, E. & Gomes, D. R. (2022, Junho 29 – Julho 1). The Impact of Emotional Exhaustion on Turnover Intention – The case of Women Police Officers [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Applied Research in Management and Economics (ICARME), ESTG-CARME, Leiria, Portugal.
- Gomes, G.P., Ribeiro, N. & Gomes, D. (2022, Novembro 9-12). O impacto da GRH Verde nos Comportamentos Verdes e Desempenho Verde: Um estudo com funcionários Portugueses, V Congresso Internacional “Educação, Ambiente e Desenvolvimento”, Escola Superior de Educação e Ciências Sociais do Instituto Politécnico de Leiria.
- Guerrazzi, L., Serra, F. A., Portugal Ferreira, M. A., & Vasconcelos Scazziota, V. (2022). Age and size effect on SME performance: the role of structure, legitimacy, and formalization. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2022, No. 1, p. 13418). Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management.
- Lígia Febra, L.; Fernandes, M. E. & Silva, T. (2022, Junho 29 – Julho 1). Stock Market Liquidity impact on Economic Development [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Applied Research in Management and Economics (ICARME), ESTG-CARME, Leiria, Portugal.
- López, X. and Sargento, A. (2022, September 21-23). In memoriam a Pedro Ramos: Estimación de una Tabla Inputoutput Birregional para Portugal. Presented at the 9th Conference on Input-Output Analysis Aveiro.
- Marques, A. & Marques, A (2022). O Impacto Das Atividades De Marketing Nas Redes Sociais No Amor à Marca e Na Cocriação Da Marca e o Impacto Destas Na Lealdade à Marca. International Conference on Applied Research in Management and Economics (ICARME), ESTG, Leiria, 29 de junho a 1 de julho de 2022.
- Marques, A. Espírito Santo, P. & Alves, A. (2022). Determinantes da intenção de compra online: informação, confiança, satisfação e preços. XXXII Jornadas Hispano-Lusas de Gestión Científica, organizadas e realizadas pela Faculdade de Ciências Jurídicas Y Sociales (UCLM), 2 a 5 de fevereiro de 2022.
- Marques, A. Ribeiro, N. Rodrigues, S. (2022). Comportamento dos Jovens no uso do Smartphone – Projeto YoungMob. 3ª Conferência internacional: emoções, artes e intervenção – crianças e jovens em risco. Escola Superior de Educação e Ciências Sociais do Politécnico de Leiria. Evento On-line, 28 e 29 de abril.
- Marques, D.; Sá, C.; Alves, H. (2022). Os determinantes do comportamento dos depósitos à ordem: o caso do Novo Banco S.A. International Conference of Applied Business and Management (ICAMB2022). ISAG, Porto, Portugal, 14-15 julho.
- Marques, D.; Sá, C.; Alves, H. (2022). The determinants of demand deposit behavior: the case of the Portuguese bank Novo Banco S.A. 12th Portuguese Finance Conference. Pestana Casino Park Hotel Funchal, Portugal, 5-7 julho.
- Marques, T, Crespo, C. F., Jesus, J. & Miska, C. (2022). Toward a novel approach to survive the culture shock syndrome: the role of responsible leadership and emotional intelligence in enhancing expatriates’ performance, XVII Iberian International Business Conference, Instituto Politécnico de Leiria, October, 2022.
- Marques, T., Crespo, C. F., Jesus, J. & Miska, C. (2022). Toward a novel approach to survive the culture shock syndrome: the role of responsible leadership and emotional intelligence in enhancing expatriates’ performance, 48th EIBA Annual Conference 2022, BI Norwegian Business School, Campus Oslo, 8-10dec2022.
- Martins, R.; Santos, E.; Eugénio, T. & Morais, A. (2022, Junho 29 – Julho 1). Is Foreign Direct Investment Caring for Sustainability? A look in African Sub-Saharan countries [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Applied Research in Management and Economics (ICARME), ESTG-CARME, Leiria, Portugal.
- Martins, R.; Santos, E.; Eugénio, T. and Morais, A. (2022). African sub-Saharan countries and Sustainability – The role of the Foreign Direct Investment. GECAMB 2022 – 9th Conference on Environmental Management and Accounting. The Portuguese CSEAR Conference. Aveiro, Universidade de Aveiro (online), Aveiro, Portugal. 4 e 5 de novembro
- Mata, C.; Eugénio, T. & Fialho, A. (2022, Maio 11-13). Determinants of environmental reporting in the European Listed companies after IAS/IFRS adoption. In proceedings of 44th European Accounting Association Congress (EAA). Bergen, Norway.
- Morais, N., Hipólito, N., Flora, S., Oliveira, A., Pimenta, S., Gordo, J., Pinto, D., Silva, C., Ribeiro, J., Silva, F., Brites-Pereira, M., Sargento, A., Simões, P., Brooks, D., Burtin, C., Marques, A. and Cruz, J. (2022). “Aceitabilidade e Viabilidade da Intervenção ONTRACK para Promoção da Atividade Física em Pessoas com DPOC – Protocolo de Estudo”. Apresentado no 1º CONGRESSO PORTUGUÊS DE MEDICINA DO ESTILO DE VIDA, novembro 7-9.
- Moreira, J. & Simão, L. (2022, Junho 29 – Julho 1). Love brands – Uma análise concetual [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Applied Research in Management and Economics (ICARME), ESTG-CARME, Leiria, Portugal.
- Neto, F. & Rodrigues, S. (2022), The Dos and Don’ts of Doing Business in the Arab Middle East: Evidence from the UAE, Global Business and Technology Association, Virtual 23rd Annual International Conference, July 13th-July 15th. ISBN: 1-932917-17-9, ISSN: 2471-6006 (Online).
- Noá, A. & Crespo, C. F. (2022, December). The impact of culture on green purchase intention, 48th EIBA Annual Conference, European International Business Academy, BI Norwegian Business School, Noruega
- Noá, A., Crespo, C.F. & Ferreira, A.G. (2022, Fevereiro 2-5). Determinantes da intenção de compra de produtos verdes: a influência da cultura [Paper presentation]. XXXI Conferência Hispano-Portuguesa sobre Gestão Científica, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Toledo, Espanha
- Noá, M. A.; Crespo, C. F. & Ferreira, A. G. (2022, Junho 29 – Julho 1). Determinants of Green Purchase Intention: The Influence of Culture [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Applied Research in Management and Economics (ICARME), ESTG-CARME, Leiria, Portugal.
- Oliveira, A., Carvalho, F., & Reis, N. R. Formal institutional quality and firms’ performance: The moderating role of the country’s location and firms’ characteristics. 17th Iberian International Business Conference. Leiria, Portugal, 7-8 October 2022.
- Oliveira, A., Carvalho, F., & Reis, N. R. How do firms deal with formal institutional quality? The role of firm’ characteristics on enhancing firm performance. 18th Iberian International Business Conference. Granada, Spain, 6-7 October 2023.
- Ortega, E.; Gomes, G. & Dávilla, M. (2022, Julho 14 – 15). Electric Mobility in Portugal: identification and analysis the actors involved in this ecosystem[Paper presentation]. International Conference of Applied Business and Management (ICABM2022), Porto, Portugal.
- Ortega, E.; Gomes, G.; Ribeiro, N. & Gomes, D. R. (2022, Junho 29 – Julho 1). Evaluating The Mediator Role Of Organizational Identification In The Relationship Between Symmetrical Internal Communication And Individual Performance [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Applied Research in Management and Economics (ICARME), ESTG-CARME, Leiria, Portugal.
- Ortega, E.; Ribeiro, N.; Gomes, G. & Gomes, D. R. (2022, Julho 14 – 15). Analysis of the impact of Symmetric Internal Communication on Organizational Identification and Individual Performance of employees in the tourism sector in Portugal [Paper presentation]. International Conference of Applied Business and Management (ICABM2022), Porto, Portugal.
- Pinto, C., & Ferreira, M. The influence of financial advisors on the time to completion of cross-border acquisitions by Latin American multinationals. EnANPAD 2022, São Paulo, Brasil
- Rebolho, J., Ferreira, J., Raposo, V., Cruz, L. and Sargento, A. (2022, June 29 – July 1). A Importância Dos Clusters De Engineering & Tooling e Health Cluster Portugal Na Região Centro – Uma Análise a Partir a Economia Regional. Presented at ICARME – International Conference on Applied Research in Management and Economics, Leiria, Portugal.
- Rebolho, J., Ferreira, J., Raposo, V., Cruz, L. and Sargento, A. (2022). Uma análise regional da importância dos clusters de Engineering & Tooling e Health Cluster Portugal– o caso da Região Centro. Proceedings – 29th Congress APDR – Islands and peripheral territories: challenges in a moving geography and changing “climate” patterns. ISBN: 978-989-8780-10-2.
- Reis, N. R., Santos, J. C., & Oliveira, A. Can institutional quality hinder firms’ performance? An analysis of emerging economies. 17th Iberian International Business Conference. Leiria, Portugal, 7-8 October 2022.
- Reis, N. R., Santos, J. C., & Oliveira, A. Can institutional quality hinder firms’ performance? An analysis of emerging economies. 48th EIBA Annual Conference. Oslo, Norway, 8-10 December 2022.
- Reis, N. R., Santos, J. C., & Santos, L. Institutional quality, firm performance and business groups: Evidence from emerging economies. 17th Iberian International Business Conference. Leiria, Portugal, 7-8 October 2022
- Reis, N. R., Santos, J. C., & Santos, L. Institutional quality, firm performance and business groups: Evidence from emerging economies. 48th EIBA Annual Conference. Oslo, Norway, 8-10 December 2022.
- Ribeiro, C., Figueiredo. E., Fernandes, E. (2022). Mapeamento dos agentes envolvidos nas decisões que afetam as Matas do Litoral – _o caso do projeto ShareFOREST. In M. A. Pinto, M. E. Silva, J. C. Azevedo, M. Sequeira, N. Ribeiro, P. Fernandes, P. Mateus, S. Dias (Eds.), Livro de resumos do 9º Congresso Florestal Nacional, 10- 14 outubro 2022, Madeira, Portugal, pp. 121, ISBN: 978-972-99656-7-8.
- Ribeiro, N., Gomes, D., Arinto, O. & Semedo, A.S. (2022, Janeiro 24 e 25). O impacto do employer branding no engagement, desempenho e intenção de turnover. VI International Forum on Management, Merida, Spain.
- Rijo, S. M.; Ferreira, A. G. & Crespo, C. F. (2022, Junho 29 – Julho 1). A Sustentabilidade na Indústria da Moda através da Produção e Consumo Local [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Applied Research in Management and Economics (ICARME), ESTG-CARME, Leiria, Portugal.
- Santos, C., Coelho, A. & Marques, A. (2022). A Systematic Literature Review on Greenwashing and Its Relations To Stakeholders: State Of Art And Future Research Agenda. International Conference on Applied Research in Management and Economics (ICARME), ESTG, Leiria, 29 de junho a 1 de julho de 2022.
- Santos, C., Coelho, A. & Marques, A. (2022). Examining Corporate Greenwashing Effect on Employees’ Career Satisfaction Through Organizational Pride, Negative Emotions and Affective Commitment. XXXII Jornadas Hispano-Lusas de Gestión Científica, organizadas e realizadas pela Faculdade de Ciências Jurídicas Y Sociales (UCLM), 2 a 5 de fevereiro de 2022.
- Santos, C., Coelho, A. & Marques, A. (2022). The damaging effects of greenwashing on B2B relationships. 9th GECAMB Conference on Environmental Management and Accounting. November 4th – 5th, Aveiro, Portugal. The presentation took place during the conference, using the virtual platform Zoom.
- Santos, C., Coelho, A., & Marques, A. (2022). Are Organizational Citizenship Behaviors for Environment (OCBEs) affected by Greenwashing? The Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction and Affective Commitment. XLVI Encontro da ANPAD – EnANPAD 2022, 21 a 23 de setembro, versão online.
- Santos, C., Coelho, A., Filipe, A., & Marques, A. (2022). The dark side of leadership: abusive supervision and its effects on employee’s behavior and well-being. XXXII Jornadas Hispano-Lusas de Gestión Científica, organizadas e realizadas pela Faculdade de Ciências Jurídicas Y Sociales (UCLM), 2 a 5 de fevereiro de 2022.
- Santos, E. (2022, Junho 29 – Julho 1). Does Inbound Tourism Create Employment? [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Applied Research in Management and Economics (ICARME), ESTG-CARME, Leiria, Portugal.
- Santos, E. & Castanho, R.A., Carvalho M. & Martins, S. (2022). Competitiveness of the Medical Tourism Supply in Portugal. International Conference on Tourism Technology and systems. ICOTTS22. 03-05 November. Santiago, Chile
- Santos, E., Crespo C., Moreira, J. & Castanho, R.A. (2022, Setembro 1-3). Brand and Competitiveness in Health & Wellness Tourism [Paper presentation]. 9thInternational Conference of the International Association of Cultural and Digital Tourism (IACuDiT). Syros Island, Greece.
- Santos, E., Moreira, J., Castanho, R., Carvalho, M. & Martins, S. (2022, Novembro 3-5). Competitiveness of the Medical Tourism Supply in Portugal. International Conference On Tourism Technology And Systems (ICOTTS). Santiago, Chile
- Santos, E.; Carvalho,M. & Martins, S. (2022, Julho 14-16). Is There an Economic Bias in Academic Success? International Conference in Information Technology & Education, ESPM, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
- Santos, E.; Moreira, J & Castanho, R.A. (2022, Julho 14-16). Business Strategies and University-Pharmaceutical Industry Collaboration. International Conference in Information Technology & Education, ESPM, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
- Santos, N. & Lisboa, I. (2022, Junho 29 – Julho 1). Impact of Internationalization and Regional Influence on Company’s Capital Structure: Literature Review[Paper presentation]. International Conference on Applied Research in Management and Economics (ICARME), ESTG-CARME, Leiria, Portugal.
- Simões, L. M.; Duarte, A.P.; & Ribeiro, N. (2022, Junho 29 – Julho 1). The Relationship Between Responsible Leadership and Individual Creativity: The Mediating Role of Affective Commitment [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Applied Research in Management and Economics (ICARME), ESTG-CARME, Leiria, Portugal.
- Simões, P. Fernandes, M. E. Portuguese private forest owners’ organizations (PFOO) and regulatory mechanisms. Book of Abstracts of the 27 IAPS Meeting 5th to 8th of July 2022 | International Association People-Environment Studies, ISCTE-IUL, Lisbon, p. 323. ISBN:978-989-781-656-7
- Singh, S., Sitamma, M., Ribeiro, N. & David, R. (2022, Janeiro 7 – 9). Psychological Contract During Pandemic. 7th Biennial Conference of INDAM 2022, Indian Institute of Management Rohtak, India.
- Subrahmanyam, S. & Ribeiro, N. (2022, Maio 18 e 19). Sustainable Corporate Leadership. International Conference on Circular Economy – Redefining the World and Driving towards Sustainability, organized in association with MIT – World Peace University, India, Helwan University, Egypt, Pune, India.
- Subramaniam, A.; Manso, R. & Eugénio, T. (2022, Junho 29 – Julho 1). Sustainability Reporting in order to Improve Energy Efficiency in Indian Industry [Paper presentation]. In proceedings of International Conference on Applied Research in Management and Economics (ICARME), ESTG-CARME, Leiria, Portugal.
- Subramaniam, A.; Manso, R.; Eugénio, T. (2022). Energy Efficiency in Indian Industry: The Role of Sustainability Report. In proceedings of GECAMB 2022 – 9th Conference on Environmental Management and Accounting. The Portuguese CSEAR Conference. Aveiro, Universidade de Aveiro (online), Aveiro, Portugal. 4 e 5 de novembro
- Syed, H.; Castanho, R.A.; Santos, E. & Cardenas-Garcia, P.J. (2022). Business Plan Globetrot Plus Blockchain B2C Artificial Intelligence Solution for Tourism Industry. International Conference on Tourism Technology and systems. ICOTTS22. 03-05 November. Santiago, Chile
- Valente, M., Fernandes, M. E., Pedrosa, E. Exploring the willingness to help prevent forest fires: your time or your Money?, Book of Abstracts of the 27 IAPS Meeting 5th to 8th of July 2022 | International Association People-Environment Studies, ISCTE-IUL, Lisbon, p. 325. ISBN: 978-989-781-656-7
- Velgan, T. & Crespo, C. F. (2022, December). The impact of acculturation and country-of-origin on emigrants’ purchase intention: a cross-cultural analysis, 48th EIBA Annual Conference, European International Business Academy, BI Norwegian Business School, Noruega.
- Velgan, T. & Crespo, C. F. (2022, October). Investigating The Effects Of Acculturation And Country-Of-Origin On Emigrants’ Purchase Intention: A Cross-Cultural Analysis, XVII Iberian International Business Conference, Instituto Politécnico de Leiria, Portugal.
- Vicente, S., Serra, F., & Ferreira, M. A folga de recursos organizacionais em aquisições de exploração e prospeção. EnANPAD 2022, São Paulo, Brasil
- Virgolino, A.; Coelho, A. & Ribeiro, N. (2022, Junho 29 – Julho 1). The Effects of Perceived Organizational Justice and Organizational Support on Employee Performance [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Applied Research in Management and Economics (ICARME), ESTG-CARME, Leiria, Portugal