Dear Colleagues,

It is our great pleasure to invite scientists, scholars, young researchers, business delegates and students from all over the world to attend the International Conference on Applied Research in Management and Economics (ICARME) with the theme “Rethinking Management and Economics in the (New) 20’s”, which will be held from June 29 – July 1, 2022 Leiria, Portugal.

Rapid industrial and economic growth during the last few years have launched wide debates among society and academics regarding new ways of doing business, in which organizations must be excellent in dealing with a plethora of internal and external pressures such as managing people, understanding consumer behavior, or dealing with market trends. By building bridges between researchers, practitioners, community and industry, ICARME aims at promoting interdisciplinary research on the emerging challenges in Management and Economics for the forthcoming decades.

We hope that ICARME will allow researchers to share insights into the recent research and cutting-edge methodologies, which gains enormous interest with the presence of experts, young and brilliant researchers, business delegates and talented student communities. This conference will promote top level research and globalize the quality research in general, thus making discussions and presentations more internationally competitive and focusing attention on the recent research endeavours in the fields of Management and Economics, as well as on the future research avenues and forthcoming challenges.

We are looking forward to an excellent meeting with great scientists from different countries around the world and sharing new and exciting results in Management and Economics.

Yours Sincerely,

Neuza Ribeiro
Teresa Eugénio
Eleonora Santos

Call for papers

As the world is slowly recovering from a worldwide health crisis, the focus now turns with dealing with the economic and social consequences of an unprecedented economic lockdown. The firms and the economies struggle to resume their growth path. But may this be achieved using the same development model that existed before? The 2020 decade may be the opportunity for a new development model for societies and firms, as well as a challenge for existing firms. The recent social and political concerns regarding the social inclusion, decarbonization, and the green agenda may offer an opportunity for developing and reconverting businesses. But a prolonged lockdown has also changed the relation with digital tools and their use became widespread and ubiquitous. The consumer behavior changed with a significant increase in online sales, forcing many firms to focus on this channel and adapting their logistic. The notion of work itself as shifted as a significant number of people worked remotely for the first time. Thus, the challenges of remote working for firms, employees and society are important issues in the foreseeable future. All in all, how can we contribute to shape firms, economies, and society in the 2020 decade?

Prospective authors are kindly encouraged to contribute and help, either through physical or virtual presence, to shape the conference through high-quality research contributions describing original, unpublished results of conceptual, constructive, empirical, experimental, or theoretical work in the areas (but not limited to) listed below.


  • Accounting
  • Economy and regional development
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Finance
  • Health Management
  • Human Resources Management and Organizational Behaviour
  • Management and Information systems
  • Marketing
  • Operations
  • SME and family firms
  • Strategy
  • Sustainability
  • Teaching and researching in management

Important dates

Call for paper/Abstracts : November 22, 2021 – February 22, 2022 March 14, 2022

Notification of acceptance: April 11, 2022
Early bird registration: April 30, 2022
Payment of registration, to ensure the inclusion of an accepted paper in the proceedings: May 31, 2022

Publication Opportunities

All submitted papers will follow a rigorous double-blind peer review process, and the accepted best papers will be  published in the ICARME Conference Proceedings published by Springer based on reviewers’ recommendations. However, only full papers in English will be considered for the proceedings.

In addition, authors of selected full-length papers will be given the opportunity to revise their papers and to be considered for publication in International Journal of Management and Enterprise Development – IJMED, International Journal of Value Chain Management – IJVCM, Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais – RPER and other selected journals, according to the guidelines for publication and editorial decision as specified in these journals.

Best Papers Awards

All accepted and registered papers are suitable for the following awards of the International Conference on Applied Research in Management and Economics (ICARME):

– The Best Paper Award.
The Best Young Researcher Award will be given to young researchers, considering both the quality of the paper (assessed by the Scientific Committee) and the quality of the oral presentation (feedback given by the session chairs at the conference venue). The award honours the best overall conference paper written by a young scholar. The winning paper must have been written by an author or authors under 40 years of age and have been accepted for presentation at the International Conference on Applied Research in Management and Economics (ICARME).

Este evento é financiado por fundos nacionais através da FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., no âmbito do projeto UIDB/04928/2020

This event is funded by national funds through FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., under project UIDB/04928/2020