Publications 2024
- Angotti, M.; Ferreira, A.; Eugénio, T. and Branco, M.C. (2024), “A narrative approach for reporting social and environmental accounting impacts in the mining sector – giving marginalized communities a voice”, 32 (1), p.42-63. Meditari Accountancy Research.
- Angotti, M.; Ferreira, A.; Eugénio, T.; Branco, M. and Queiroz, J. (2024), A sustainability assessment modelling-based external account of the impacts of mining activities in Brazil in Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal. Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print DOI 10.1108/SAMPJ-05-2023-0297.
- Calazans, N., Marques, T., Eugénio, T. & Gomes, J. F. S. (2024). Sustainability Report of Portuguese Municipalities: The Three Pillars of Sustainable Development. Public Organization Review, .
- Coelho, T., Oliveira, C., & Lisboa, I. (2024). Optimal Working Capital Management and Stock Returns: Evidence from European Listed Firms. Finance a Uver, 74(3), 292-312.
- Coelho, T.; Lisboa, I. & Oliveira, C. (2024). Is there an optimal working capital management that minimizes European stock risk? European Journal of Applied Business Management, 10(1), 91-114.
- Costa, C.; Lisboa, I., & Martins, J.L. (2024). Integrated reporting and financial performance: evidence from Portugal and Spain. International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting. DOI: 10.1504/IJMFA.2026.10066797
- Crespo, C. F., Ferreira, A. G., Ribeiro, F. M., & Popa, V. (2024). The Effect of Celebrity Endorsement on Brand Equity: A Cross Cultural Comparison. Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 1–22.
- Crespo, N., Crespo, C.F. & Silva, G. (2024). Every cloud has a silver lining: The role of business digitalization and early internationalization strategies to overcome cloudy times. Technological Forecasting & Social Change. 123084
- David, R., Singh, S., Mikkilineni, S. and Ribeiro, N. (2024), “A positive psychological approach for improving the well-being and performance of employees”, International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
- Fagundes, C. ; Schreiber, D. ; Nunes, M.P. ; Fernandes, M.E. (2024). “Forest Management and FSC Certification: A systematic review”, Revista de Administração da UFSM – ReA UFSM, v. 17, n. 4, e5, 2024
- Fernandes, M. E.; Simões, P. (2024). “Private forest owners’ organizations adherence to policy tools. Insights from Portugal”. Forest Policy and Economics. Volume 160, March 2024, 103147.
- Fernandes, Maria Eduarda; Ferreira, Carla; Figueiredo, Elisabete (2024). Participatory methods and approaches in the management of Mediterranean forests: a systematic literature review. International Forestry Review, Volume 26 (2), June 2024, p. 177-197.
- Ferreira, A. G., Crespo,C. F., Ribeiro, F. M. & Barreiros, P. (2024) The social media theatre: New guidelines to foster parasocial interactions with followers and improve influencer marketing communication effectiveness, Journal of Marketing Communications, DOI: 10.1080/13527266.2024.2318696
- Ferreira, C., Fernandes, M.E., Figueiredo, E., 2024. Unveiling the Centrality of Knowledge in Stakeholder Involvement Strategies Regarding Public Forest Management. Forests, 15(8), 1471.
- Figueiredo, Elisabete, Cristina Ribeiro, Fernandes, Maria Eduarda (2024). ““Not Even Hell Must Look like This”—Print Media Narratives about the October 2017 Wildfires in Portuguese Public-Managed Forests”. Fire, 7 (7): 236.
- Figueiredo, R. and Cabral, P. (2024), “Ocean ecosystem services: modeling a factor development process to create sustainable value for decisions”, Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
- Frederico, A., Serra, F. A. R., Marques, T., da Silva, L. F., & Scafuto, I. C. (2023). Navigating cultural resistance: successfully implementing agile methods in the telecom. Iberoamerican Journal of Strategic Management, 22(2), e24795-e24795.
- Frizon, J., Eugénio T. e Morais A. (2024). Students CSR Orientation: Building Dialogues between the Academic Community and the Business World. Journal of Sustainability Research. 6 (3), 1-23.
- Frizon, J.A., Eugénio, T. and Frizon, N.N. (2024), “Green campus and student proactivity initiatives: the importance of a participatory approach”, International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
- Gomes, G.P., Coelho, A. and Ribeiro, N. (2024), “A systematic literature review on sustainable HRM and its relations with employees’ attitudes: state of art and future research agenda”, Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
- Kolodiziev, Oleh, Oleksandr Dorokhov, Valeriia Shcherbak, Liudmyla Dorokhova, Altan Ismailov, and Ronnie Figueiredo. 2024. “Resilience Benchmarking: How Small Hotels Can Ensure Their Survival and Growth during Global Disruptions” Journal of Risk and Financial Management 17, no. 7: 281.
- Kumar, R.K., Pasumarti, S.S., Figueiredo, R.J. et al. Innovation dynamics within the entrepreneurial ecosystem: a content analysis-based literature review. Humanit Soc Sci Commun 11, 366 (2024).
- Lisboa, I. M. C., & Carvalho, A. C. P. (2024). Which determinants explain municipalities’ debt? the case of portuguese municipalities from 2014 to 2017. International Journal of Professional Business Review: Int. J. Prof. Bus. Rev., 9(6), 8.
- Lopes, A.S., Sargento, A., 2024. Quitters from Hospitality Industry: Misfit or Just Looking for Better Conditions? Administrative Sciences, 14(6), 111.
- Ribeiro, N., Gomes, D., Gomes, G.P., Ullah, A., Dias Semedo, A.S. and Singh, S. (2024), “Workplace bullying, burnout and turnover intentions among Portuguese employees”, International Journal of Organizational Analysis, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
- Santos, E. (2024). A Cusco Journey into Cultural Heritage, Adventure, and Gastronomy. Tourism cases.
- Santos E. (2024). Are Climate Change Strategies Effective in Managing Urban Water Resources? The Case of Portugal. Sustainability. 16(22):9664.
- Santos E. (2024), Beyond Leakage: Non-Revenue Water Loss and Economic Sustainability. Urban Science. 8(4):194.
- Santos, E. (2024) Innovative Solutions for Coastal and Offshore Infrastructure in Seawater Mining: Enhancing Efficiency and Environmental Performance. Desalination
- Santos, E. (2024). Regional Dynamics and Economic Sustainability of Mariculture Firms in Portugal: A Financial Performance Analysis. Water, 16(12), 1655.
- Santos, E. (2024). Shifting Demographics and Economic Performance: Unraveling the Influence of Population Aging on GDP Dynamics and Regional Inequalities. Journal of Economic Analysis, 3(1): 118-128. Doi 10.58567/jea03010006
- Santos, E. (2024) Punta Arenas: Challenges and Opportunities of Adventure, Sustainability, and Heritage in Patagonian Tourism. Tourism cases. 2024.0025. CABI. doi:10.1079/tourism.2024.0025
- Santos, E., Carvalho, M., & Martins, S. (2024). Sustainable Enablers of Knowledge Management Strategies in a Higher Education Institution. Sustainability, 16(12), 5078.
- Sargento, A., Lahr, M., Ferreira, J., Cuevas, F. (2024) “Revisiting Methods for Estimating Interregional Input-Output Accounts: It’s Not Just About Trade Flows”, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics (2024), doi:
- Sargento, A., Lopes, A.S., 2024. Territorial resilience on the aftermaths of COVID‐19 crisis—An exploratory analysis on the role of innovation. Regional Science Policy and Practice 16(1), 12697.
- Silva, P., Sá, C. e Eugénio, T. (2024) The Influence of Social Responsibility Practices on Tax Planning: An Empirical Study for Companies Listed on Euronext Lisbon. International Journal of Financial Studies 12 (3), 73.
- Ullah, A. and Ribeiro, N. (2024), “Workplace bullying and job burnout: the moderating role of employee voice”, International Journal of Manpower, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
- Valente, Marieta, Fernandes, Maria Eduarda; Pinto, Lígia (2024). “Crowdfunding or crowdsourcing time: Exploring the willingness of private citizens to help prevent forest fires.” Forest Policy and Economics.Volume 163, June 2024, 103210.
- Yasin, R., Ribeiro, N., Atif, M. and Ali, A. (2024), “Authentic leadership – a source of tacit knowledge sharing and career competence in service sector”, Leadership & Organization Development Journal, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
- Yücel, İ., Gomes, D. R., Ribeiro, N., & Özlok, K. K. (2024). The Mediating Role of Self-Esteem in the Relationship Between Perceived Ethnic Discrimination and Continuance Commitment of Migrant Workers. Psychological Reports,
- Barua, K., Radwan, N., Singh, V., & Figueiredo, R. (2024). Design and Implementation of Higher Education Learners’ Learning Outcomes (HELLO). IGI Global.
- Costa, B., Rodrigues, S. (2024). Circular Economy and Sustainability: What Are They Saying About It? – A Literature Review. In: Silva, F.J.G., Ferreira, L.P., Sá, J.C., Pereira, M.T., Pinto, C.M.A. (eds) Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing: Establishing Bridges for More Sustainable Manufacturing Systems. FAIM 2023. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Cham.
- Dias, G., Ribeiro, N., Gomes, D.R., Leandro, A., Santos, M.J. (2024). Should Human Resources Management “Go Green”?: The Impact of Green Human Resources Management on Employees’ Green Behavior, Affective Commitment and Company Green Performance. In: Machado, C. (eds) Building the Future with Human Resource Management. Management and Industrial Engineering. Springer, Cham.
- Figueiredo, E., Fernandes, E., Ferreira, C., Gonçalves. C., Ribeiro, C., 2024. Manual de Metodologias Participativas – um guia para o envolvimento dos agentes na gestão da floresta, Aveiro, Portugal: UA Editora.
- Garbin, L., Leandro, A., Gomes, D. & Ribeiro, N. (2024). The Impact of Culture on Career Management In: Sedky, A. (ed.) Resiliency Strategies for Long-Term Business Success (pp. 257- 282). IGI Global. DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-9168-6.ch010
- Gomes, D. R. & Ribeiro, N. (2024). Is inclusive leadership a renewed hope for the building of people-centric organizations? In Arraya, M., & Ferreira, J.J. (Eds.). (2024). Business Competitiveness and Sustainability: Theory, Practice, and Future Challenges (1st ed.). Routledge.
- João Maurício, C., Fernandes, M.E. (2024). Consumers’ Acceptance and Willingness to Pay for Innovative and Sustainable Food – an Exploratory Study. In: Galvão, J.R.d.C.S., Brito, P., Neves, F.d.S., Almeida, H.d.A., Mourato, S.d.J.M., Nobre, C. (eds) Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Water Energy Food and Sustainability (ICoWEFS 2023). ICoWEFS 2023. Springer Proceedings in Earth and Environmental Sciences. Springer, Cham.
- Kudratova, M., Castanho, R.A., Santos, E. (2024). Tourism Destination Branding as a Marketing Factor: A Short Literature Review with a Focus on Northern Cyprus. In: Abreu, A., Carvalho, J.V., Liberato, P., Monroy, H.C. (eds) Advances in Tourism, Technology and Systems. ICOTTS 2023. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, vol 383. Springer, Singapore.
- Lobo, R.; Martins, S.; Carvalho, M.; Abreu, A.; Castro, M.J.; Santos, E.; Carvalho, A.B. (2024). The Use of Social Networks as a Strategic Tool: The Case of Cuca Monga Discos and Its Presence on TikTok. In: Carvalho, J.V., Abreu, A., Ferreira da Costa, E., Vázquez-Justo, E., Viguera Figueroa, H. (eds) Perspectives and Trends in Education and Technology. ICITED 2024. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 858. Springer, Cham.
- Santos, E., Abreu, A., Pinto, A.S., Carvalho, M., Martins, S. (2024). The Influence of Business Cycles on Corporate Performance: Evidence from Outdoor Tourism. In: Abreu, A., Carvalho, J.V., Liberato, P., Monroy, H.C. (eds) Advances in Tourism, Technology and Systems. ICOTTS 2023. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, vol 383. Springer, Singapore.
- Sónia Monteiro, Patrícia Quesado, Verónica Ribeiro, Maria Eduarda Fernandes, Teresa Eugénio, João Costa, Hugo Rodrigues & Marina Tomás. (2024). Bibliometric Analysis of Sustainable Indicators in Agribusiness. In: Galvão, J.R.d.C.S., Brito, P., Neves, F.d.S., Almeida, H.d.A., Mourato, S.d.J.M., Nobre, C. (eds) Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Water Energy Food and Sustainability (ICoWEFS 2023). ICoWEFS 2023. Springer Proceedings in Earth and Environmental Sciences. Springer, Cham.
- Abreu, A.; Carvalho, M.; Martins, S.; Lobo, R.; Castro, M.J.; Santos, E. & Carvalho, A.B. (2024) The use of social networks as a strategic tool: the case of Cuca Monga Discos and its presence on TikTok. Paper presented at ICITED 24-International Conference in Information Technology & Education, Recife, Brazil, 11-13 July.
- Banerjee, P. & Ribeiro, N. (2024). How Employers’ Cybervetting Practices in Social Media Platforms Affect Jobseekers’ Cyber-faking Intentions and Their Subsequent Application Process: A Mixed-method Analysis. 24th International Conference on Knowledge, Culture, and Change in Organizations, Lusiada Research Center on Social Work and Social Intervention, Luisada University, Jul 3 – Jul 5, Lisbon, Portugal.
- Burgos, L., Lisboa, I. e Costa, M. (2024). The impact of Family Control on Capital Structure on Emerging Economies. XXXIII Jornadas Hispano-Lusas de Gestión Científica, 24 a 26 de Janeiro, Ceuta, Espanha.
- Carlos Gomes da Silva, Maria Eduarda Fernandes, João Maurício Costa (2024). “On The Location Of Reverse Vending Machines: An Application To The Region Of Leiria”. 31st APDR Congress – 26th to 28th of June, 2024. Polytechnic University of Leiria (School of Technology and Management), Leiria, Portugal.
- Carvalho, M.; Martins, S.; Santos, E. & Carvalho. A.B. (2024) A Responsabilidade Social da Biblioteconomia para alcançar os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS): o contributo das bibliotecas Municipais do Porto para o desenvolvimento sustentável. Paper presented at III Conferência dos Jovens Investigadores da CPLP, 27- 29 March, Luanda, Angola.
- Ceita, L.; Manso, R. e Eugénio, T. (2024), Application of Renewable Energy – The case of San Tomé Island. International Conference on Water, Energy, Food and Sustainability (ICoWEFS 2024), Polythetic Institute of Portalegre, Portalegre, Portugal. May 8-10.
- Costa, C., Martins, J. e Lisboa, I. (2024). O Relato Integrado na Literatura: Drivers, Evolução e Impacto na Performance. XXXIII Jornadas Hispano-Lusas de Gestión Científica, 24 a 26 de Janeiro, Ceuta, Espanha.
- Crespo, C.F.; Ferreira, A.G. & Ribeiro, F.M. (2024, January 24 to 27). The effect of celebrity endorsement on brand equity: a cross cultural comparison. [Paper presentation]. XXXIII Jornadas Hispano-Lusas de Gestión Científica, Universidade of Granada, Ceuta, Espanha.
- Cristina Ribeiro, Elisabete Figueiredo, Eduarda Fernandes (2024). ““Nem tidos, nem achados” – A visão dos agentes em presença nas matas do litoral sobre a sua gestão e ordenamento e os impactos dos incêndios”. XVII Encontro Nacional de Riscos. Associação Portuguesa de Riscos, Prevenção e Segurança. 07 de junho de 2024. Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal.
- Cristina Ribeiro, Elisabete Figueiredo, Eduarda Fernandes (2024). “Quem se interessa pela gestão das Matas do Litoral? Análise das visões de cidadãos e agentes”. 31st APDR Congress – 26th to 28th of June, 2024. Polytechnic University of Leiria (School of Technology and Management), Leiria, Portugal.
- Elisabete Figueiredo, Cristina Ribeiro, Eduarda Fernandes (2024). ““The worst day of the year” – Media narratives about the wildfires of October 2017 in Portugal”, European Sociological Association 16th Conference “Tension, Trust and Transformation”, 27-30 Agosto 2024, Porto, Portugal.
- Elisabete Figueiredo, Cristina Ribeiro, Eduarda Fernandes (2024). “Entre o Verde e a Tragédia- Perceções sociais sobre os incêndios de outubro de 2017 nas Matas do Litoral”, XIV CONGRESSO IBEROLATINOAMERICANO DE ESTUDOS RURAIS, 6-8 novembro 2024, Coimbra, Portugal.
- Eugénio,T.; Frizon, J. and Frizon, N. (2024). Putting the Green Campus Initiatives of Higher Education Institutions’ (HEIs) into practice: their impact on students’ proactivity towards SD. Asia-Pacific Symposium on Sustainable Development in Higher Education Hiroshima. Organised by the Research and Transfer Centre “Sustainable Development and Climate Change Management” at the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (Germany); Metropolitan University (UK) and the University of Hiroshiha, Japan. Japan, 4th-5th March 2024.
- Eugénio, T.; Frizon, J. e Manso, R. (2024). Contabilidade, Sustentabilidade e Energia – Uma experiência pedagógica no contexto europeu. V Congresso Ibero-americano de Humanidades, Ciências e Educação – Vidas em riscos e crise climáticas. Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense (UNESC), Criciúma, Brasil, 10 a 13 de setembro.
- Eugénio,T.; Frizon, J. and Manso, R. (2024), Accounting and sustainability – a pedagogical experience in a multicultural contexto. Asia-Pacific Symposium on Sustainable Development in Higher Education Hiroshima. Organised by the Research and Transfer Centre “Sustainable Development and Climate Change Management” at the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (Germany); Metropolitan University (UK) and the University of Hiroshiha, Japan. Japan, 4th-5th March 2024.
- Eugénio, T.; Frizon, J. e Prolo, L. (2024). Mary Kay e o Empoderamento Feminino: O caso das diretoras do carro rosa. V Congresso Ibero-americano de Humanidades, Ciências e Educação – Vidas em riscos e crise climáticas. Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense (UNESC), Criciúma, Brasil, 10 a 13 de setembro.
- Eugénio, T. and Mendon, N. (2024). The role of civil liberties and corporate social responsibility disclosure information in the fast-fashion sector. NERPS 2024 – Conference in Hiroshima, Hiroshima University Higashi-Hiroshima campus, Japan. March 6 – 9.
- Fortes. F., Costa, M. e Lisboa, I. (2024). Os Determinantes do Risco de Incumprimento no Setor Hoteleiro Português. XXXIII Jornadas Hispano-Lusas de Gestión Científica, 24 a 26 de Janeiro, Ceuta, Espanha.
- Frizon, J.; Eugénio, T.; Schwartz, G. e Frizon, N. (2024). Políticas públicas ambientais na gestão municipal de Francisco Beltrão – PR: uma análise longitudinal. International Conference on Management, Tourism and Technologies (ICMTT´24). Universidad Nacional de San Antonio Abad del Cusco, Cusco, Peru. 9th – 11th of May
- Frizon, J., Ribeiro, B. e Eugénio, T. (2024), Impactos do projeto “eu ajudo na lata” de uma cooperativa de trabalho médico em escolas públicas de ensino fundamental: relatos no Sudoeste do Paraná. XLVIII Encontro da ANPAD – EnANPAD 2024. Tema central ”Repensando o papel das organizações em um mundo de tensões geopolíticas, desigualdades sociais e crise ambiental. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brasil. 16-18 setembro.
- Gomes, D. & Ribeiro, N. (2024). Evaluating the Mediator Roles of Employee Engagement and Organizational Attractiveness in the Relation Between Sustainable Human Resources Management and Workers’ Performance. 21st Annual International Conference on SΜΕs, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Management, Marketing, Economic, Social Aspects, ATINER, 29 – 31 july, Athens, Greece.
- Gomes, D., Ribeiro, N., Gomes, G. & Santos, M.J. (2024). Is “going green” the path to follow in human resources management?: evaluating the impact of sustainable human resources management on performance and turnover intention. Diálogos em Comportamento Organizacional, Nova SBE, Lisboa, Portugal.
- Gomes, G., Coelho, A. & Ribeiro, N. (2024). The effect of sustainable HRM on employees’ proactive behavior and organizational citizenship behavior for the environment: A study on the Metal Sector in Portugal. V ICABM2024 – International Conference of Applied Business and Management, June 20th 21st, ISAG, Porto, Portugal.
- Gracio, L., Eugénio, T. e Azevedo, G. (2024), The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Accounting – The view of Certified Accountants. International Conference in Accounting and Finance Innovation (ICAFI). Universiade de Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal. 8-9 de Julho.
- Lisboa, I. e Costa, M. (2024). Regional impact on default probability: the case of Portuguese hotels. 31th APDR Congress, 26 a 28 Junho, Leiria, Portugal.
- Maria Eduarda Fernandes, João Maurício Costa (2024). “The role of reverse vending machines in sustainable waste management – Insights from bibliometric analysis”. 31st APDR Congress – 26th to 28th of June, 2024. Polytechnic University of Leiria (School of Technology and Management), Leiria, Portugal.
- Maria Eduarda Fernandes, João Maurício Costa, Marieta Valente. “How receptive are consumers to circular agrifood innovations? Results from a survey”, 2024 BEES Workshop: Behavioural and Experimental Economics for Sustainability, Florença, Itália, 17-18 Outubro, 2024.
- Marques, A. & Henriques, A. (2024). O impacto da ligação ao destino turístico e da sustentabilidade ambiental na intenção comportamental mediado pela experiência, identificação e satisfação do turista. XXXIII Jornadas HispanoLusas de Gestión Científica, organizadas pela Universidade de Granada em Ceuta, 24 a 27 de janeiro de 2024.
Marques, A., & Santo, P. E. (2024). Determinants of online fashion purchase intention: Mediating effects of trust and perceived value. 13th International Conference on Economic Development and Social Sustainability (EDaSS), organizada pela Universidade da Coruña em Valletta (Universidade de Malta), 8 a 10 de maio de 2024.
Marques, A., Santos, C., Henriques, A., & Borges, S. L. (2024). Consequências da Sustentabilidade Ambiental de um Destino Turístico no Consumidor. 13th International Conference on Economic Development and Social Sustainability (EDaSS), organizada pela Universidade da Coruña em Valletta (Universidade de Malta), 8 a 10 de maio de 2024.
- Ortega, E., Coelho, A. & Ribeiro, N. (2024). Green Human Resource Management and The Iso 14001 Subtopic Contributing to Sustainable Development: A Bibliometric Approach. V ICABM2024 – International Conference of Applied Business and Management, June 20th 21st, ISAG, Porto, Portugal.
- Pooja, P. & Ribeiro, N. (2024). Assessing the factors of emotional intelligence and its impact on the burnout of the faculty members. 16th International Conference on Education and New Learn Technology, 1st -3rd July, Palma, Spain.
- Reis, C., Lisboa, I. e Costa, M. (2024). Financial Reporting Quality Impact on Firms’ Capital Structure. International Workshop Accounting and Taxation (IWAT2024), 12 Abril, Porto, Portugal
- Ribeiro, F. M., & Marques, A. (2024). O impacto da qualidade de integração de canais na satisfação e lealdade no retalho omnichannel: Um
estudo empírico das percepções dos compradores. X Encontro de Marketing da ANPAD (EMA 2024), organizada pela ANPAD – Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Administração, 15 a 17 de maio de 2024. Ribeiro, F. M., Marques, A., & Santos, C. (2024). Explorando a Qualidade de Integração de Canais na Lealdade do Comprador: Um Estudo Empírico no Retalho Omnichannel. 13th International Conference on Economic Development and Social Sustainability (EDaSS), organizada pela Universidade da Coruña em Valletta (Universidade de Malta), 8 a 10 de maio de 2024.
- Ribeiro, F. M., Marques, A., & Santos, C. (2024). The Effects of Perceived Personalization in Omnichannel Retail. ICABM2024 – International Conference of Applied Business and Management, organizada por ISAG – European Business School e Research Center in Business Sciences and Tourism (CICET), 20 a 21 de junho de 2024.
- Ribeiro, N., Araújo, R., Gomes, D. R. & Leal, S. (2024). Impacto da liderança inclusiva no engagement, nos comportamentos de cidadania organizacional e no desempenho dos colaboradores: o caso de uma autarquia local. 31st APDR Congress, 26-28 junho, ESTG-IPLeiria, Leiria, Portugal.
- Rijo, S. M.; Ferreira, A. G. & Crespo, C. F. (2024, January 24 to 27). Revestir um futuro sustentável: o que leva os consumidores portugueses a reutilizar artigos de moda. [Paper presentation]. XXXIII Jornadas Hispano-Lusas de Gestión Científica, Universidade of Granada, Ceuta, Espanha.
Santo, P. E., Cardoso, P., & Marques, A. (2024). Exploring the Development of Rural Tourism in Portugal: Analysing the Influence of Local Identity, Escapism and Memory on Visit Intention. 13th International Conference on Economic Development and Social Sustainability (EDaSS), organizada pela Universidade da Coruña em Valletta (Universidade de Malta), 8 a 10 de maio de 2024.
- Santos, C., Coelho, A. & Marques, A. (2024). O impacto do greenwashing do fornecedor na sustentabilidade, mediado pela partilha da informação e pela confiança verde: uma análise na perspetiva do cliente num contexto B-to-B. XXXIII Jornadas HispanoLusas de Gestión Científica, organizadas pela Universidade de Granada em Ceuta, 24 a 27 de janeiro de 2024.
- Santos, E. (2024). Regional Economic Dynamics in Leiria region: Exploring Innovation, Financial Performance, and Sectoral Strategies. 31st APDR congress, ESTG, Leiria, Portugal,26-28 June.
- Santos, E.; Carvalho, M.; Martins, S. & Carvalho. A.B.; Castro, M.J.; Mesquita, A.; Silva, P. (2024) Tourist Preferences in Latin America. 6th International Conference on Tourism Technology and Systems
30-31 October 2024 – Madeira, Portugal. - Santos, E.; Carvalho, M.: Martins, S. & Figueiredo, R. (2024). Corporate performance and strategies for Resilience and growth of Theme parks, paper presented at ICMTT´24 – The 2024 International Conference on Management, Tourism and Technologies, 9-11 May 2024, Cusco, Peru
- Santos, E.; Mutisya, M. (2024). Financial determinants of Tourism Employment: Lessons for Regional Development. 11th conference IACUDIT, Innovation and Creativity in Tourism, Business and Social Sciences, Naxos Island, Greece, 1-3 September 2024.
- Santos, E.; Mutisya, M. (2024). The Impact of Brazilian Immigration on Portugal’s Business Dynamics. 11th conference IACUDIT, Innovation and Creativity in Tourism, Business and Social Sciences, Naxos Island, Greece, 1-3 September 2024.
- Silva, T., Crespo, C. F., & Rijo, S. (2024). Influência dos benefícios associados às embalagens ecoeficientes na ligação emocional à marca e intenção de compra. 13th International Conference on Economic Development and Social Sustainability (EDaSS), organizada pela Universidade da Coruña em Valletta (Universidade de Malta), 8 a 10 de maio de 2024.