Best Paper
Susana Rijo
Rijo, S. M.; Ferreira, A. G. & Crespo, C. F. (2024, janeiro 24 a 27). Revestir um Futuro Sustentável: O que leva os Consumidores Portugueses a Reutilizar Artigos de Moda. [Paper presentation]. XXXIII Jornadas Hispano-Lusas de Gestión Científica, Universidade de Granada, Ceuta, Espanha.
Best Paper
Alcina Gaspar Ferreira
Rijo, S. M.; Ferreira, A. G. & Crespo, C. F. (2024, janeiro 24 a 27). Revestir um Futuro Sustentável: O que leva os Consumidores Portugueses a Reutilizar Artigos de Moda. [Paper presentation]. XXXIII Jornadas Hispano-Lusas de Gestión Científica, Universidade de Granada, Ceuta, Espanha.
Best Paper
Cátia Crespo
Rijo, S. M.; Ferreira, A. G. & Crespo, C. F. (2024, janeiro 24 a 27). Revestir um Futuro Sustentável: O que leva os Consumidores Portugueses a Reutilizar Artigos de Moda. [Paper presentation]. XXXIII Jornadas Hispano-Lusas de Gestión Científica, Universidade de Granada, Ceuta, Espanha.
Honourable Mention
Fábio Matos Ribeiro
Ribeiro, F. M., & Marques, A. (2024). O impacto da qualidade de integração de canais na satisfação e lealdade no retalho omnichannel: Um estudo empírico das percepções dos compradores. X Encontro de Marketing da ANPAD (EMA 2024), organized by ANPAD – Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Administração, São Paulo, Brasil.
Honourable Mention
Alzira Marques
Ribeiro, F. M., & Marques, A. (2024). O impacto da qualidade de integração de canais na satisfação e lealdade no retalho omnichannel: Um estudo empírico das percepções dos compradores. X Encontro de Marketing da ANPAD (EMA 2024), organized by ANPAD – Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Administração, São Paulo, Brasil.
1st Place
Susana Rodrigues
Coordination of the project “Link me up – 1000 ideas – Support system for the co-creation of innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship”, winner at national level of the European Enterprise Promotion Awards 2023, in the category of “Promotion of the Spirit of Entrepreneurship”.
1st Place
Ana Sargento
Participation in the project “Link me up – 1000 ideas – Support system for the co-creation of innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship”, winner at national level of the European Enterprise Promotion Awards 2023, in the category of “Promotion of the Spirit of Entrepreneurship”.
Best communication award special track “ethics and social responsibility”
Alriza Marques
Santos, C. Coelho, A. & Marques, A. (2022, February 02-05). Examining corporate greenwashing effect on employee’s career satisfaction through organizational pride, negative emotions and affective commitment. XXXI Conferência Hispano-Portuguesa sobre Gestão Científica, Toledo, Espanha
Best communication award
Teresa Eugénio
Gomes, S. Jorge, S & Eugénio, T. (2021, November 18- 19). O ensino do Desenvolvimento Sustentável e o futuro profissional de contabilistas e auditores: a perspetiva dos estudantes e Reguladores profissionais, XXIII Seminario Luso Español de Economía Empresarial, Salamanca.
Best Paper
Neuza Ribeiro
Duarte P, Neves J & Ribeiro N
(2019) The role of the perceived
organizational support and
person-organization fit into the
relationship between corporate
social responsibility and work
X Graduate Conference,
Management, Hospitality and Tourism,
ISCAL, Lisbon Polytechnic Institute
Best paper – Co-Runners Up
Teresa Eugénio
Eugénio T, Gomes S & Castelo Branco
M (2019) Non-financial information
reporting and assurance: a new
auditors’ opportunity? Evidences
from Portugal
15th European Institute for the Advanced
Management Studies (EIASM)
Interdisciplinary Network in
“Intangibles and Intellectual Capital” –
Non-financial and integrated reporting,
governance and value creation
1st place regional/2nd place
national Enterpreneurship Polytechnics Prize
Inês Lisboa
CBMeter – new integrated solution
for early screening of diseases
metabolic [CBMeter – new
integrated solution for the start
screening for metabolic diseases]
Poliempreende Network – Business
Vocational projects in the context of
Portuguese Polytechnic Institutes
Honourable Mention
Manuel Portugal Ferreira
Ferreira MP (2015) Journals of
different strata evaluate the
articles differently? One
comparative study [Do journals
of different strata evaluate articles
differently? A comparative study]
XXXIX Meeting of the National
Association of Graduate Studies and
Research in Administration – ANPAD
Best Academic Work
Neuza Ribeiro
Gomes D, Asseiro V & Ribeiro N
(2015) Socially responsible
internal communication?
Analyzing the combined effect of
CSR and internal communication
on employees ’affective bond to
organization. International Journal
of Marketing, Communication and
New Media 2: 168-190
Observatory of Internal Communication
and Corporate Identity Awards –5th
Best Paper
Manuel Portugal Ferreira
Canela R & Ferreira MP (2014)
Because we write in
co-authorship? Join Carl Lewis with
Leonardo da Vinci or increase the
productivity? [Why do we write
in co-authorship? Join Carl Lewis
with Leonardo da Vinci or increase
IX International Symposium of
Management and Marketing of ESPM
– School of Advertising and Marketing