

Best Paper

Susana Rijo

Rijo, S. M.; Ferreira, A. G. & Crespo, C. F. (2024, janeiro 24 a 27).  Revestir um Futuro Sustentável: O que leva os Consumidores Portugueses a Reutilizar Artigos de Moda. [Paper presentation]. XXXIII Jornadas Hispano-Lusas de Gestión Científica, Universidade de Granada, Ceuta, Espanha.

Best Paper

Alcina Gaspar Ferreira

Rijo, S. M.; Ferreira, A. G. & Crespo, C. F. (2024, janeiro 24 a 27).  Revestir um Futuro Sustentável: O que leva os Consumidores Portugueses a Reutilizar Artigos de Moda. [Paper presentation]. XXXIII Jornadas Hispano-Lusas de Gestión Científica, Universidade de Granada, Ceuta, Espanha.

Best Paper

Cátia Crespo

Rijo, S. M.; Ferreira, A. G. & Crespo, C. F. (2024, janeiro 24 a 27).  Revestir um Futuro Sustentável: O que leva os Consumidores Portugueses a Reutilizar Artigos de Moda. [Paper presentation]. XXXIII Jornadas Hispano-Lusas de Gestión Científica, Universidade de Granada, Ceuta, Espanha.

Best Doctoral Thesis in Tourism

Susana Rodrigues

Supervision of the thesis “Circular Economy in the Portuguese Hotel Industry” by Berta Costa, winner of the VIII Tourism Academic Thesis Competition.

Honourable Mention

Fábio Matos Ribeiro

Ribeiro, F. M., & Marques, A. (2024). O impacto da qualidade de integração de canais na satisfação e lealdade no retalho omnichannel: Um estudo empírico das percepções dos compradores. X Encontro de Marketing da ANPAD (EMA 2024), organized by ANPAD – Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Administração, São Paulo, Brasil.

Honourable Mention

Alzira Marques

Ribeiro, F. M., & Marques, A. (2024). O impacto da qualidade de integração de canais na satisfação e lealdade no retalho omnichannel: Um estudo empírico das percepções dos compradores. X Encontro de Marketing da ANPAD (EMA 2024), organized by ANPAD – Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Administração, São Paulo, Brasil.

Best Paper

Alzira Marques

Ribeiro, F. & Marques, A. (2024). The Importance of Sustainability and Environmental Awareness in the Intention to Visit Portuguese Natural Parks Again, Mediated by Satisfaction and Perceived Green Image. 31st APDR Congress, Leiria, Portugal

Best Paper

Teresa Eugénio

Grácio, L., Eugénio, T. & Azevedo, G. (2024, July 8 – 9). The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Accounting – The view of Certified Accountants. ICAFI 2024 – International Conference on Accounting and Finance Innovation. Aveiro, Portugal. (online)


1st Place

Teresa Eugénio

Accounting Prize “LUIZ CHAVES DE ALMEIDA” – 2023 – 31st Edition, organized by APOTEC – Associação Portuguesa de Técnicos de Contabilidade

1st Place

Susana Rodrigues

Coordination of the project “Link me up – 1000 ideas – Support system for the co-creation of innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship”, winner at national level of the European Enterprise Promotion Awards 2023, in the category of “Promotion of the Spirit of Entrepreneurship”.

1st Place

Ana Sargento

Participation in the project “Link me up – 1000 ideas – Support system for the co-creation of innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship”, winner at national level of the European Enterprise Promotion Awards 2023, in the category of “Promotion of the Spirit of Entrepreneurship”.


Best communication award special track “ethics and social responsibility”

Alriza Marques

Santos, C. Coelho, A. & Marques, A. (2022, February 02-05). Examining corporate greenwashing effect on employee’s career satisfaction through organizational pride, negative emotions and affective commitment. XXXI Conferência Hispano-Portuguesa sobre Gestão Científica, Toledo, Espanha

Best Paper

Susana Rodrigues

Ciccarino, I., Rodrigues, S. & Silva, J. (2022, July 13 – 15). Social entrepreneurial taxonomy for innovation: a business model perspective. Global Business and Technology Association (GBATA) 23rd Annual International Conference (online)

Best Paper

Irene Ciccarino

Ciccarino, I., Rodrigues, S. & Silva, J. (2022, July 13 – 15). Social entrepreneurial taxonomy for innovation: a business model perspective. Global Business and Technology Association (GBATA) 23rd Annual International Conference (online)

Outstanding Reviewer

Eleonora Santos

The Recognition Awards for Manuscript Reviews

Sustainability an Open Access Journal by MDPI


1st Prize

Neuza Ribeiro

First position in the Top 10 ranking of the Awards + International Scientific Publication of the R&D+i Polytechnic of Leiria 2021 awards

Best Paper

Irene Ciccarino

Ciccarino, I., Rodrigues, S. & Silva, J. (2021, October 04 – 08). Social value appraisal: cutting the Gordian knot. 8th EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise, Zaragoza, Espanha.

Best Paper

Susana Rodrigues

Ciccarino, I., Rodrigues, S. & Silva, J. (2021, October 04 – 08). Social value appraisal: cutting the Gordian knot. 8th EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise, Zaragoza, Espanha.

Best Poster

Cristina Sá

Sá, C. & Martins, J.,L, (2021 November 18 – 19). Robots, Employment and Taxation: an (Im)Possible Equilibrium. 3rd European Conference on the Impact of AI and Robotics – ECIAIR 2021, Lisboa, Portugal.

Best communication award

Teresa Eugénio

Gomes, S. Jorge, S & Eugénio, T. (2021, November 18- 19). O ensino do Desenvolvimento Sustentável e o futuro profissional de contabilistas e auditores: a perspetiva dos estudantes e Reguladores profissionais, XXIII Seminario Luso Español de Economía Empresarial, Salamanca.

Research Awards

Inês Lisboa

Guarino, M. P., Fonseca-Pinto, R., Lopes, N. V., Lages, M., Carvalho, H., Lisboa, I. & Conde, S. (2021). Prémio de Investigação Alfredo da Silva com o projeto “CBmeter – um novo dispositivo para deteção precoce de diabetes mellitus tipo II”. Fundação Amélia de Mello


Best Paper

Neuza Ribeiro

Duarte P, Neves J & Ribeiro N
(2019) The role of the perceived
organizational support and
person-organization fit into the
relationship between corporate
social responsibility and work
X Graduate Conference,
Management, Hospitality and Tourism,
ISCAL, Lisbon Polytechnic Institute

Best paper – Co-Runners Up

Teresa Eugénio

Eugénio T, Gomes S & Castelo Branco
M (2019) Non-financial information
reporting and assurance: a new
auditors’ opportunity? Evidences
from Portugal
15th European Institute for the Advanced
Management Studies (EIASM)
Interdisciplinary Network in
“Intangibles and Intellectual Capital” –
Non-financial and integrated reporting,
governance and value creation

Global Excellence Award

Susana Rodrigues

Global Program Co-President
Business & Technology
International Association
Conference 2019
Global business and technology

1st place regional/2nd place
national Enterpreneurship Polytechnics Prize

Inês Lisboa

CBMeter – new integrated solution
for early screening of diseases
metabolic [CBMeter – new
integrated solution for the start
screening for metabolic diseases]
Poliempreende Network – Business
Vocational projects in the context of
Portuguese Polytechnic Institutes

1st Prize

Manuel Portugal Ferreira

First position in the Top 10 ranking of the Awards + International Scientific Publication of the R&D+i Polytechnic of Leiria 2019 awards


Best paper special track “Young

Tânia Marques

Ferreira V, Marques T & Gomes J
(2018) A liderança responsável
como incentivo ao compromisso,
comportamento de cidadania
e desempenho individual
XXVIII Conferência Luso-Espanhola sobre
Gestão Científica, Portugal

1st Prize

Manuel Portugal Ferreira

International Scientific Publication
Award – Social Sciences and
Polytechnic of Leiria

1st place
Luiz Chaves de Almeida
Accounting Prize (2017)

Teresa Eugénio

Lopes SM & Eugénio T (2018) Report
non-financial sector in the water sector
natural minerals: ODS ratio and
in natural mineral waters
Sector: SDG and Metric Relations
APOTEC – Portuguese Association of
Accounting technicians


Outstanding Expert

Manuel Portugal Ferreira

VI SINGEP – International
Project Symposium
Management, Innovation and

Reviewer Award

Manuel Portugal Ferreira

International management
Management Academy

Global Excellence Award (2013-2017)

Susana Rodrigues

Global Program Co-President
Business & Technology
International Association
Conferences from 2013 to 2017
Global business and technology


Honourable Mention

Manuel Portugal Ferreira

Falaster C, Ferreira MP (2016) O
effect of scientific publication
of the advisor in the publication of
your oriented
IX International Congress of
Management and Marketing of ESPM
– School of Advertising and Marketing

Best Paper

Neuza Ribeiro

Virgolino A, Coelho A & Ribeiro N
(2016) The impact of the perception of
organizational justice and support
organizational performance
individual: The moderating role of
breach of psychological contract
XXVI Luso-Spanish Conference on
Scientific Management, Portugal

Emerald/CLADEA Management Research Fund Award – Highly commended

Manuel Portugal Ferreira

Falaster C, Ferreira MP (2016)
The performance of the domestic and
foreign firms
V SINGEP – International Symposium
in Project Management, Innovation
and Sustainability (Brazil)

Best Paper

Cristina Sá

Sá C, Martins A & Gomes CF
(2016) Determining factors
of tax morale in Portugal
Order of Certified Accountants;
Order of Statutory Auditors


Honourable Mention

Manuel Portugal Ferreira

Ferreira MP (2015) Journals of
different strata evaluate the
articles differently? One
comparative study [Do journals
of different strata evaluate articles
differently? A comparative study]
XXXIX Meeting of the National
Association of Graduate Studies and
Research in Administration – ANPAD

Best Academic Work

Neuza Ribeiro

Gomes D, Asseiro V & Ribeiro N
(2015) Socially responsible
internal communication?
Analyzing the combined effect of
CSR and internal communication
on employees ’affective bond to
organization. International Journal
of Marketing, Communication and
New Media 2: 168-190
Observatory of Internal Communication
and Corporate Identity Awards –5th

Outstanding Reviewer

Tânia Marques

Management Research category
– Journal of the Iberoamerican
Academy of Management
2015 Emerald Literati Network Awards
for Excellence – Emerald Publishing

Outstanding Reviewer

Nuno Reis

41st European International
Business Academy (EIBA)
European International Business

1st Prize

Manuel Portugal Ferreira

International Scientific Publication
Award – Social Sciences and
Polytechnic of Leiria


Best Paper

Manuel Portugal Ferreira

Canela R & Ferreira MP (2014)
Because we write in
co-authorship? Join Carl Lewis with
Leonardo da Vinci or increase the
productivity? [Why do we write
in co-authorship? Join Carl Lewis
with Leonardo da Vinci or increase
IX International Symposium of
Management and Marketing of ESPM
– School of Advertising and Marketing

Best Paper of Family Firms

Inês Lisboa

Miralles M & Lisbon I (2014) Faz
Does family control reduce the company’s risk?
XXIV Luso-Spanish Conference on
Scientific Management, Portugal

 The Outstanding Paper Award

Ana Sofia Lopes

Lopes AS & Teixeira P (2013)
Productivity, wages and the
returns to the provided by the company
training: fair shared capitalism?
International Journal of Manpower,
7: 776-793
Emerald Literati Network Awards for
Excellence – Emerald Publishing Group

Best Paper

Neuza Ribeiro

Rego A, Vitória A, Magalhães A,
Ribeiro N & Cunha MP (2014) Are
authentic leaders associated with
more virtuous, committed and
potent teams? The Leadership
24: 61-79
2014 ISCTE-Lisbon University Institute
Scientific Awards


Best Communication in Scientific

Alriza Marques

Cruz R & Marques A (2013) The
Determinants of Loyalty to
Flag Booking.com [Loyality
determinants to the brand
XXIII Luso-Spanish Conference on
Scientific Management, Spain

Best Paper

Jacinta Moreira

Moreira J & Silva MJ (2013)
Cooperation between the
consumer and firms as a
determining of marketing
innovation: empirical study of
Portuguese firms. Contemporary
Management Research, 10: 215-
International Conference on Marketing
Studies 2013, China

The Outstanding Paper Award

Teresa Eugénio

Eugénio TP, Lourenço IC &
Morais AS (2013) Sustainability
strategies of the company TimorL:
extending the applicability of
legitimacy theory. Management
of Environmental Quality 24:
Emerald Publishing

Best paper by young researchers

Cátia Crespo

Cardoso R, Crespo C & Gaspar A
(2019)  The influence of storytelling on consumers’ perceptions, attitudes and behaviors 
XXIX Luso-Spanish Conference on
Scientific Management, Spain