Visiting Professors

Fellipe Sousa Martins


Professor in the Business Management Graduate Program

Business Management Graduate School

Mackenzie Presbyterian University

Period at CARME: April to June, 2023



Eszter Sós

Assistant Lecturer at Logistics and Forwarding Department, Széchenyi István University.

 Ph.D. Student in the Doctoral School of Multidisciplinary Engineering Sciences.

Research topic: structured planning and internal consistency analysis of logistics strategies, examining biases and cognitive effects arising in the field of logistics, related with psychology and social sciences.
Period at CARME: April to May, 2023



Szabolcs Rámháp

Assistant Professor at the Department of Leadership and Marketing, Széchenyi University. Subjects of marketing and management science, mainly focusing on innovation and entrepreneurship.

Founding member of the Research Group on Innovation and Technological Entrepreneurship.

PhD in Regional Sciences at the Doctoral School of Economic and Regional Sciences, Széchenyi University, Győr, Hungary. Research field: Motivation of Career Choices in Hungary, focusing on Industrial Centre in Győr and the International Trends.

Research interest: Analysis of the R&D+I ecosystem of the Polytechnic of Leiria and comparison with the Hungarian system, in particular business incubators, spin-offs and entrepreneurship networks in education. Analysis of the Poliempreende Project, the largest national education network that promotes innovative, entrepreneurial and creative culture among students.

Period at CARME: June, 2023

Kelly Gianezini

Permanent Professor of the Postgraduate Programme in Socio-Economic Development (Masters and PhD) and of the Law course at UNESC – Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense (Brazil). Research interests: education; educational public policy; ethnic minorities; citizenship, social and economic development; transformations in higher education; interdisciplinary studies focusing on educational and university management and the organisation of primary and higher education systems. D. in education from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), with a period at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA).

Period at CARME: September, 2021 to February, 2022



Miguelangelo Gianezini

Permanent Professor of the Postgraduate Programme in Socio-Economic Development (Master and PhD), of the Graduate Program in Productive Systems in associated form (Master UNESC/UNIPLAC/UNC/UNIVILLE) and of the Management courses of UNESC – University of the Extremo Sul Catarinense (Brazil). Research interests: agricultural development and logistic, productive and value chains; organisational dynamics and sustainable development; sectoral public policies; educational management and evaluation and international cooperation. PhD in agribusiness from UFRGS – Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil).


Period at CARME: September, 2021 to June, 2022