Projects of R&D+i (Research and Development + Innovation)

Heice – Unlocking High Tech Entrepreneurship and Innovation Competences for Deep Tech Talents

CARME members: Susana Rodrigues

Project Coordinator: TU GRAZ
Description: The Project partners aim to tailor innovative programmes for deep tech talents, focusing on the health and manufacturing fields that fit the consortium Smart Specialisation Strategy (S3) base of all three regions.

Partners:Polytechnic Leiria, Startup Leiria, ASSS (Servia), Gruendungsgarage

Funding Entities: European Union

Total funding: 352,856.00 €

Project Duration: May 2023 to July 2024 

Strengthening Tax Compliance By Implementing Behavioural Insights For Revenue Administrations In Belgium, Austria, And Portugal

CARME members: Cristina Sá

Project Coordinator: Kantar Public
Description: It aims to increase voluntary tax compliance rates among Belgian, Austrian and Portuguese taxpayers by implementing pilot projects inspired by behavioral insights (BI).

Funding Entities: European Commission

Project Duration: 2023 to 2025 


Projeto – CNPq/MCTI/FNDCT N. 18/2021 – Adoption of industry 4.0 technologies to reduce the environmental impact in furniture manufacturing

CARME members: M.ª Eduarda Fernandes

Project Coordinator: Dusan Schreiber
Description: aims to research and analyze the portfolio of industry 4.0 technologies to identify which of them have technical and economic feasibility characteristics, to be adopted and operationalized, contributing to mitigate the environmental impact, in the process of manufacturing furniture based on MDF.

Partners: Feevale, Univates, UNB and SENAI from Brazil, HAMK from Finland and IPL from Portugal.

Funding Entities: Feevale University, Brazil

Total funding: R$ 15,000

Project Duration: February 2022 – February 2025

Estudo Temático de Desenvolvimento da Digitalização das Empresas da Região Centro

CARME members: Alzira Maria Ascensão Marques; Ana Catarina Lisboa; Jacinta Raquel Moreira e Ronnie Joshé Figueiredo de Andrade

Project Coordinator: Pedro Manuel do Espírito Santo
Description: The aim is to carry out a thematic study on the development of digitalization in companies in the central region of Portugal. It proposes to analyze the challenges of digital intensity and digitalization and to identify the differences in digital intensity in the different companies in the central region (NUTSII).

Funding Entities: Programa de Assistência Técnica PRR2030; FEDER

Total funding: 51 035,21€

Project Duration: April 2024 – December 2024

SmartOcean – Parque de Ciência e Tecnologia do Mar em Peniche

CARME members: Inês Lisboa

Description: It aims to become a hub for attracting business, empowering companies and society, strengthening the link between scientific knowledge, innovation and the economy.

Partners: Polytechnic of Leiria, the Municipality of Peniche, Docapesca, and Biocant

Funding Entities: Portugal2020-FEDER

Total funding: €3,528,942

Project Duration: November 2022 to present

Cocriação de valor e empreendedorismo de impacto social: um estudo comparativo entre Brasil, Portugal e Finlândia

Description: Aims to identify and analyze the value co-creation process for the development of social impact startups in innovation environments in Brazil, Finland, and Portugal.

CARME members: Cátia Crespo e Teresa Eugénio.

Partners:Universidade Feevale, Brazil; Feevale Techpark, Brazil; Incubadora Tecnológica e do Agronegócio de Mossoró, Brazil; Centro Universitário de João Pessoa, Brazil; CARME, Politécnico de Leiria, Portugal; Tampere University of Applied Sciences, Finland.
Funding Entities: Financed by the National Fund for Scientific and Technological Development (FNDCT) and CNPq budget, Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation – Brazil.

Project Duration: January 2022 to December 2024

Development of a virtual expatriate work effectiveness model based on international human resource practices

CARME members: Neuza Ribeiro

Project Coordinator: Kamila Ludwikowska, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology

Description: In this research proposal, we attempt to examine virtual expatriation as the most emerging form, where virtual assignments are combined with other forms of international assignments (short-term assignments, business travels). Although virtual expatriation has been known and practiced so far by certain types of organizations that have flourished with the rapid development of globalization and information technology, the topic is still underdeveloped in the literature and there are no effective models of virtual expatriate work developed yet.

Partners: Polytechnic University of Leiria, CARME – team leader: Neuza Ribeiro;

Polytechnic University of Coimbra – team leader: Daniel Gomes;

Beihang University, China – team leader: Hua Tian;

Cochin University of Science and Technology, India – team leader: Zakkariya K.A.

Funding Entities: National Science Centre (Poland)

Project Duration: june 2023 – auguste 2025


Description: This project aims to produce and market more economical, more digital, and more inclusive packaging solutions on a global scale.

PPS08 – Recovery of Residues with a High Degree of Purity. Pilot installation of reverse vending machines in CIMRL municipalities.

PPS19 – Human Resources Training and Upskilling.

Characterize the profile of the partners’ human resources; identify current and future training needs; international benchmarking; specify the training offer to be developed, evaluate the impact of the training actions and promote, disseminate, and manage the process.

CARME members: M.ª Eduarda Fernandes e Alcina Gaspar (PPS08)

CARME members: Ana Sofia Lopes (PPS19)

Partners: multidisciplinary consortium made up of 79 entities
Consortium leader: Vangest

Funding Entities: PRR – Plano de Recuperação e Resiliência – IAPMEI.

Total funding: 5.513.819,62 € (230 000,00€ PPS08; 395 000,00€ PPS19).

Project Duration: April 2022 – December 2025

For more information: https://embalagemdofuturo.pt/


CARME members: Maria Eduarda Fernandes, Inês Lisboa and Nuno Reis

Project CoordinatorMaria Eduarda Fernandes

DescriptionThis project aims to potentiate the economic valorization of R&D (Research and Development) results produced by the R&I (Research and Innovation) system, and to reinforce the transfer of scientific and technological knowledge to the business sector, through a support network that integrates various entities of the innovation ecosystem and interface, linked to each of the consortium members, and that collaborate in the dynamization of various project activities, during its duration and ensuring its continuity over time, after its completion.

PartnersInstituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave – IPCA

Funding Entities: Portugal 2020, COMPETE2020, FEDER

Total funding: 406 139,13€

Project DurationFebruary 2022 – June 2023


CARME members: Alcina Gaspar Ferreira.

DescriptionPilot projects financed by the COSME programme (of the European Commission), Boosting the uptake of digitalisation, innovation and new technologies in tourism through transnational cooperation and capacity building”.

Aims to support the European Capitals of Culture in the sustainable growth of cultural tourism, through collaboration with the cultural and creative industries.

Funding Entities: Programme COSME

Total funding: 866 515€; IPL: 159.044€ 

Project Duration: 1 january 2022 – 31 january 2024



CARME members: Eduarda Fernandes e Teresa Eugénio

DescriptionMember of the ORCHESTRA project – add-value to ORCHards through the full valorisation of macRoALgAe. The ORCHESTRA Project aims to develop alternative sustainable biological practices for intensive production of Rocha pear and Alcobaça apple, as well as for the conservation and distribution of these productions. The consortium promoting the project is made up of 1 company, CAMPOTEC IN – Conservação e transformação de Hortofrutícolas S.A (leader), and 2 non-business entities, Instituto Politécnico de Leiria (IPLeiria) and Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave (IPCA), gathering the technical and scientific skills for its development. The intervention region represents 94.44% (Centre) and 5.56% (North).

Partners: Limerick Institute of Technology (Ireland) e Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences (Austria)

Funding Entities: FEDER e FCT

Total funding: 976.309,77€

Project Duration: 01 January 2021 – 30 June 2023

For more information: https://cicf.ipca.pt/orchestra-add-value-to-orchards-through-the-full-valorisation-of-macroalgae/


The social impact of Infection Prevention and Control on residential structures for the elderly during COVID-19 crisis

CARME Member: Tânia Marques

Project CoordinatorSónia Pereira (ciTechCare – Center for Innovative Care and Health Technology)

Description: This project aims assess the social impact of Infection Prevention and Control measures during the Covid-19 pandemic, in elderly people living in residential structures. 

Partners: Portuguese Social Security

Funding Entities: The Social Observatory of the “la Caixa” Foundation

Total funding: 25.000,00€

Project Duration: 2020 – 2021


Principal Contractor: Aveiro University

Members CARME: Eduarda Fernandes (co-PI)

Description: The central aim of ShareFOREST is the development and operationalization of a participatory methodology to support co-decision in planning and management of forests, reinforcing the principles behind territorial governance and, as ultimate mission, preventing and mitigating the impacts of future wildfires. The implementation of the methodology in the Matas do Litoral territory can reinforce the dynamism of local stakeholders in the protection of public forests and can generate an agenda for public discussion about forests and rural fires in Portugal.

Funding Entities: FCT

Total funding: 279 037,62€

Project Duration: 2021 – 2023

For more information: https://shareforest.pt/


Link Me Up – 1000 ideias

Members CARME: Susana Rodrigues (PI), Ana Sargento

Description: Promote entrepreneurship by training young students and / or entrepreneurs with a view to increasing the quality of employment and creating innovative companies.

Funding Entities: COMPETE – 01/SIAC/2020

Total funding: 5,562,774,12€

Project Duration: 2021- 2023 


Projeto Programa Operacional Capital Humano com o código POCH-04-5267-FSE-000814

Members CARME: Ana Lisboa

Description: The project aimed at improving the quality of non-higher education and training systems – Training of teachers and other education and training agents.

Funding Entities: Portugal2020 and FSE

Total funding: 223.301€

Project Duration: 2020 – 2023


Projeto de investigação com o código LA/P/0112/2020

Members CARME: Ana Lisboa

Partners: SYSTEC-Center for Research in Systems and Technologies of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto, Center for Rapid and Sustainable Product Development of the Polytechnic of Leiria, Center for Mechanical Engineering, Materials and Processes, Institute of Systems and Robotics of the University of Coimbra and Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Engineering Structures of the University of Minho and the University of Coimbra.

Description: Aims to support the renovation and reindustrialization of national production and construction systems, and to promote decarbonization, digitalization, and the incorporation of intelligence, to ensure the country’s environmental and socio-economic sustainability.

Total funding: 999,358

Project Duration: 2020- 2023 

ProJovemRural: capacitação de jovens em espaço rural

Project Coordinator: COTHN – Centro Operativo e Tecnológico Hortofrutícola Nacional

Members CARME: Alzira Marques, Cristina Sá, Inês Lisboa, Susana Rodrigues, Tânia Marques

Description: The project is characterized as a training program for young agricultural entrepreneurs in specific areas including: workshops, technical visits, field days and training workshops for young entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs in the rural sector, in order to assist them in improving managing their businesses or creating new ventures.

Funding Entities: PDR 2020, Portugal 2020, UE

Total funding: 100.000€

Project Duration: 2020 – 2021 


S4Agro | Sustainable Solutions for the Agroindustrial Sector 

CARME Members: Ana Sargento 

Project Coordinator: Pedro Miguel de Figueiredo Dinis Oliveira Gaspar – University of Beira Interior (UBI) 

Partners: University of Évora (UÉvora); Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra (IPC; Polytechnic Institute of Guarda (IPG); Polytechnic Institute of Leiria (IPLeiria); Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo (IPVC); Association of Agro-Industrial Cluster of the Center (InovCluster)

Description: The S4AGRO project aims to qualify SMEs in the agrifood sector, namely in the following product subsectors: Meat, Horticulture, Dairy Products and Bakery / Pastry Products; for the adoption of innovative and sustainable solutions, which allow to increase its productivity, effectiveness and efficiency at the level of industry 4.0 and the circular economy. 

Project duration: April 24, 2020 – April 23, 2022 

Financing Entities: ERDF Total financing: € 149,485.03 










Member CARME: Ana Lúcia Marto Sargento

Description: Design of a personalized mHealth training platform to combat physical inactivity in DPOC

Funding Entities: COMPETE 2020 – POCI

Total funding: 239 198,57 €

Project Duration: 2018-2021 

Education for Sustainable Development Goals: diagnoses, perspectives and challenges in Brazilian business schools. 

CARME Member: Teresa Eugénio 

External partners: Sónia Maria Gomes – Federal University of Baia (Brazil) – Leader The team brings together 11 researchers and 3 students from several Brazilian institutions such as Federal Universities of Bahia, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Brasília, Santa Catarina; the Federal Institute of Bahia, the State University of Feira de Santana, the Visconde de Cairu Foundation and the Faculty Anísio Teixeira. And Portuguese: Cávado Polytechnic Institute andAve and Polytechnic Institute of Leira.

Description: The project aims to study the process of training professionals, in the business area, in the Brazilian scenario from 2016 to 2020, in relation to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Through the analysis of its didactic-pedagogical possibilities, the study seeks to contribute to the proposition of a methodological approach to teaching in a transformative educational perspective. We hope to obtain theoretical and empirical evidence that, in addition to providing subsidies for proposing a methodological approach to teaching, may contribute to suggest the formulation of public and pedagogical policies. It also seeks to incorporate, in the training of professionals in the business area, a concept that expands the reflexive and critical action of the professional and citizen reality.

 Keywords: Education. Accounting. Administration. Sustainable development goals. IES Business

 Financing Entities: CNPq – National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), an organ of the Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovation and Communications (MCTIC) – Brazil. 

YOUNGMOB- Facing addiction to young people’s mobile devices through an innovative technological application

CARME members: Neuza Ribeiro, Susana Rodrigues, Alzira Marques and Luísa Cagica (IPSetúbal)

Project Coordinator: Sonia San-Martin – University of Burgos

External partners: Universitat de Valencia (Spain); Universitat de Burgos (Spain); Gestionet Multimedia, SL (Spain); Colegio Aurelio Gómez Escolar (Spain); Media, Educazione, Comunità (Italy); Center Spirala (Slovenia)

Description: YOUNGMOB is intended to provide practical tools for parents and teachers to promote the correct use of smartphones and to prevent or reduce addictive behaviors; and a set of recommendations also for policy makers to prevent addiction to mobile devices.

Funding Entities: Erasmus +, Call 2019 Round 1 KA2 – Cooperation for innovation and exchange of good practices, KA201 – Strategic Partnerships for school education.

REINOVA – SI (Reindustrialization of the agrifood sector – Sustainability and Innovation) 

CARME Members: Eduarda Fernandes (PI) and Susana Rodrigues

Main Research Unit: CARME – Center for Applied Research in Management and Economics

External partners: IDDNET, ITACyL, Asociación Empresarial Centro Tecnológico Nacional Agroalimentario “Extremadura”, Official Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services of Badajoz, OPEN, Vitartis, ADRAL, Official Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services of Valladolid, InovCluster, Institut o Politécnico Castelo Branco, CATAA.

Description: The project aims to encourage the launch of new products by agri-food SMEs, which respond to new market trends (natural products, with sustainable processes). Its specific objectives are: to design a new consultancy model tailored to the sector’s SMEs, facilitating and streamlining the adaptation of processes based on circular economy (CE) practices. In addition, it aims to create a model of international cooperation that effectively implements the principle of circularity. As a result of the good practices developed, a greater incentive to eco-innovation is expected.

Financing Entities: ERDF (POCTEP)


CARME Member: Eduarda Fernandes.

Description: The project aims to define and identify the different models of organization of agriculture and forestry in terms of commercialization, focusing essentially on the European and national reality. The diagnosis of the Portuguese forestry sector is carried out taking into account the organization of production and the joint management carried out by the different organizations selected for study. The elaboration of a joint management manual is one of the outputs of the project, which will be based on the diagnosis made with the selected organizations. In addition, this manual also addresses the issues of marketing forest products and the benefits of marketing organizations.

Partners: FENAFLORESTA; Forest Association of the Municipality of Ansião; ANEFA; Forest Forum.

Financing Entities: Funded by PDR2020

Duration: January 2019 – June 2020

Care4Value | Increase value creation in long-term care units integrated in private pension institutions 

Responsible researcher: Ana Sargento 

DescriptionCARE4VALUE aims to develop and implement a management control information system model that maximizes value creation (defined as health outcomes per unit cost) in long-term care providers. The model will be developed and tested based on an intervention to be carried out in a long-term care unit, under a pilot project. The following innovative results are expected – Integrated model of data collection, processing, analysis, comparison and reporting, revealing the relationship between costs and health outcomes – Innovative tools, incorporated into practice and patient-centered for data collection (including a mobile app to collect data from caregivers) These results will support decision making by managers and professionals, aiming at the quality, efficiency and sustainability of the organization. From August 2017 to September 2019 (Project co-financed by FCT and COMPETE2020; Ref.: POCI-01-0145-FEDER-23248). 

Partners: Santa Casa da Misericórdia da Batalha, Polytechnic Institute of Santarém, Nursing School of Coimbra 

More information and publications: Article originally published at: www.scitecheuropa.eu/long-term-healthcare/86870/ Reproduced with the kind permission of Pan European Networks Ltd, www.scitecheuropa.eu/ © Pan European Networks 2018

Coastal Forest Recovery Program 

Members: Eduarda Fernandes 

DescriptionThis project involves a joint collaboration between several partners, with the aim of: assessing the effects of forest fires, promoting emergency stabilization, rehabilitation of burnt forests, long-term recovery and public participation and awareness. 

Partners: Higher Institute of Agronomy (University of Lisbon), Polytechnic of Coimbra, Polytechnic of Bragança, University of Coimbra, University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro, University of Aveiro and National Institute of Agricultural and Veterinary Research. 

Duration: Jan2018 to Jul2018


The regulatory, normative and cognitive-cultural change as a promoter of the international enterprise of the Spanish company. Institutional adaptation and innovation proposals 

Responsible Researcher (PI) and project leader: Antonia Mercedes García Cabrera – Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria 

CARME Member: Nuno Reis

Description: The institutional environment is decisive for the international performance of companies, as it establishes the competitive environment in which companies operate. The changes in the three great dimensions of the institutional environment (regulatory, normative and cultural-cognitive dimensions – cf Scott, 1995) offer opportunities for companies (specifically for Spanish women) in their international operations because they face a different environment than the domestic one. Thus, this project aims to understand the role of institutional changes in the international operations of Spanish companies and to present innovative proposals to adapt to the changing institutional environment.

Financing Entities: Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (Government of SPAIN)

EMSURE – Energy and Mobility for Sustainable Regions 

CARME Members: Ana Sargento Project led by the University of Coimbra (https://www.uc.pt/en/efs/research/emsure)

Description: The challenge of the project is to develop models, methods and technologies that help decision-makers and companies to make the Central Portuguese Region truly sustainable in the field of energy and mobility. 

Partners: University of Coimbra, ADAI, MARE, INESC. 

Project co-financed by QREN (“Mais Centro” Program) and European Union (European Regional Development Fund). Ref.: CENTRO-07-0224-FEDER-002004. 

Duration: 2013-2016.

Demospin – Economically Sustainable DEMOgraphy – Revertendo o declínio em regiões periférias

CARME Membros : Ana Sargento

Project led by the University of Aveiro (http://www.ua.pt/getin/InvestigCientifica_DEMOSPIN)

Description: The objetive of the DEMOSPIN era research project was to develop a tool to support the definition of policies related to the development of demographically depressed regions. The methodology combined techniques of demographic projections with models of growth and regional development. The results obtained allow to develop and evaluate different levels of population evolution in the interior regions of Portugal until 2030, and to study options to reverse or demographic decline in these areas.

Partners: University of Aveiro, University of Coimbra, University of Beira Interior, Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco.

Project co-financed by FEDER (COMPETE) and FCT – Foundation for Science and Technology (Ref. PTDC / CS-DEM / 100530/2008).

Duration: 2010-2013